Google announced the 9th “release” of Summer Of Code
As expected, Google has announced the next phase of the Summer Of Code program, in which students from any country in the world can participate. On Habré this program was already described somehow , and in very detail, therefore it is worth recalling only the basic elements (under the cut). By the way, about 6 thousand students from 100 countries took part in the previous 8 stages. A new stage starts on April 22 of this year, just then it will be possible to apply for participation.
As for the program itself, it is designed to select the best open source projects. The projects are presented by the students themselves. The best applications are selected by company representatives, and the authors of this program participate in the program. For the 3 summer months, the author receives about 5 thousand US dollars, plus the project manager, if any, also receives a reward of $ 500.
The conditions for participation are quite simple, last year these conditions were as follows:
- the participant must be a student (or graduate student) at the time of announcement of those accepted for participation, i.e. it is possible that by the end of the project the participant is no longer a student;
- In addition, the participant must be at least 18 years old.
And yes, an updated FAQ for this year's program is available here., so if you are interested in participating, be sure to check out.
Via googledevelopers