Well, a very small note on getopts

    And so, we want to parse the command line parameters in our script, and we want to take into account
    • Options without arguments
    • Options with Arguments
    • Check for missing argument
    • Check unknown options
    • Check for missing parameters
    • Make this part of the script as a function

    And here you have the most laborious way that I could come to

    function check_arg(){
    	if [[ $2 == -* ]]; then 
    		echo "Option $1 requires an argument" >&2
    		exit 1
    function parse_param()
    	if [ -z "$1" ];then
    		echo "Empty list of options" >&2
    		exit 1
    	while getopts ":np:" opt; do
    		case $opt in
    			check_arg "-p" "$OPTARG"
    			echo "-p(param) was triggered, Parameter: '$OPTARG'"
    			echo "-n(no param) was triggered"
    			echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
    			exit 1
    			echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument (getopts)" >&2
    			exit 1
    parse_param "$@"

    And here is an example of its use
    [bash]$ ./test.sh
    Empty list of option
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -m
    Invalid option: -m
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -n
    -n(no param) was triggered
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -n -p
    -n(no param) was triggered
    Option -p requires an argument (getopts)
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -p -n
    Option -p requires an argument
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -p"1 2 3"
    -p(param) was triggered, Parameter: '1 2 3'

    Why did I write all this? Indeed, it’s probably all painted on the Internet for a long time. I'll explain now. As I walked towards this simple implementation, I got on the rake many times using getopts in the context in which I needed. Therefore, I would like to describe below the rake that I got up along the way, and which brought me, I hope that the right way to use getopts.
    Getopts in function

    Errors can lie in the way you pass arguments to this function, for example, two wrong ways
    parse_param $1 $2 $3
    parse_param "$1" "$2" "$3" 

    In the first case, if you passed an argument to the script itself like this
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -p"1 2 3"

    Then they get to the parse_param function as parse_param –p 1 2 3, which, believe me, is not what you expected.
    Scrambling arguments helps, but I'm causing another problem. Now this part will stop working
    			echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument (getopts)" >&2
    			exit 1

    In place of this, $ OPTARG will be an empty string, which is quite valid from the point of view of getopts.
    So do it simply and correctly like this
    parse_param "$@"

    Options with arguments and argument checking

    To enable initial protection against the absence of an argument, each such option must be completed with a “:” sign and add the appropriate handler
    			echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument (getopts)" >&2
    			exit 1

    Why is this stray here?
    function check_arg(){
    	if [[ $2 == -* ]]; then 
    		echo "Option $1 requires an argument" >&2
    		exit 1

    Try to remove the call to this function here.
    check_arg "-p" "$OPTARG"

    And make such a call
    [bash]$ ./test.sh -p -n

    And you get that “-n” becomes the –p option argument. Is that what you expected? But not me.
    Invalid arguments

    In order for this piece of code to do what you want
    			echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
    			exit 1

    The list of getopts parameters should begin with ":" (getopts " : np:")
    I hope it didn’t get too emotional, and this will save someone time for more interesting activities.

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