Kiev. Saturday. Greetings

    On the street it is snowing, frost -10, and here on Saturday you can chat with your IT colleagues, make new acquaintances, share knowledge, listen to reports and warm yourself with hot tea. Read more about the place and the speakers.

    The meeting will be held tomorrow from 11:00 to 16:00 , in the coworking Chasopis on Sq. Lev Tolstoy.

    List of speakers and their order: the
    reports will be held in two streams:

    Anatoly Bakal “Overview of Windows Server 2012 Features: Data Deduplication,” Microsoft Network Infrastructure Expert
    Vasily Lymar “Using IPSec to Protect Data Transmitted over a Network”
    Mikhail Galushko “Development for WinRT: the practice of creating quality applications” devlanfear

    Talk'ova online broadcast here :
    Sergey Gashchenko “Cisco Network Security Recipes for Home and Office, ISA 550/570”
    Dmitry Vovk “Optimizing Games on Mobile Devices” akaStiX
    Alexander Shpak “Tower of Babel Management” s0rr0w
    Alexey Popov “LiveStreet CMS - Free engines for blog-social communities. History and development ” AlekseyPopov
    Sergey Gnidko“ Work without working capital ” 5erg

    Online broadcast of the second stream here

    Be active and there will be more.

    The cost of the meeting is 100 UAH. Payment at the entrance, the time spent in the "Chasis" does not require additional payment.

    The easiest way to get on the metro is to Leo Tolstoy.

    Event for registration here We are

    looking for speakers on infrastructure solutions, network technologies.
    Email for communication:

    Come, bring, sit, chat ...

    PS Those who register and do not come should be ashamed. Please do not be late.

    MUK-Service - all types of IT repair: warranty, non-warranty repair, sale of spare parts, contract service

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