Activision will show a new generation of rendering technologies at GDC


    Activision Blizzard will hold a presentation at the Game Developers Conference in March to talk about next-generation technologies for character rendering.

    Jorge Jimenez, a real-time research scientist at Activision Blizzard, will give a one-hour presentation entitled “Photorealistic Rendering of the Eyes and their Deformations,” where he is going to share advanced techniques for “creating photorealistic characters for iron” and next-generation games. ”

    Link to the demo from the Separable-SSS-DX10-v1.0.exe video clip
    (thanks to AlexXsWx )

    As stated in the official conference schedule, Jimenez will show "next-generation high-quality methods used for applying shadows and controlled by the game engine." It is also promised that there will be a discussion of the techniques that Activision games use to implement subsurface scattering , antialiasing, depth of field and graininess of the image.

    You can now get some idea of ​​what this will be about by looking at Jimenez’s blog , in which he publishes the results of his work on rendering characters on high-performance systems.

    News source: link .

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