I will give you a phone

    In fact, I will not give you anything.
    More precisely, I’ll just give you a couple of ideas. I will leave the embodiment of these for you; I leave all rights to it to you. All I would like to do is to see your nickname or name somewhere in the back streets of the author, but this is not necessary.


    I often think over several things that I would like to see and use in my life.
    I think these ideas are completely collected, convenient and, in some ways, beautiful.

    Modern technology allows you to play them in several versions, which gives great scope for dreams.
    I won’t attach pictures: the artist is not any of me, and now there’s no possibility, but I’ll try, if there is time in the evening, to draw something.

    And yes, in any case - the OS is not important.

    First idea

    Imagine a transparent bar. Let it cast yellow, purple or any other color - it will be your screen and touch keyboard.

    There is a metal wrapper on the sides: it allows you to protect the screen itself when it falls. At the same time, if it protrudes slightly from above, it will protect the screen itself from scratches. It will not save from crumbs, but from a smooth wooden surface - completely.

    Also, if we add some voids inside, and make the metal not thick (but not soft enough for bending by hand), then when we fall, we get only the bending of the metal with the protection of everything else.

    For this wrapper (half a centimeter thick, for example) there is still additional functionality:

    1. The battery is hiding there. As I know (and maybe I'm wrong), a transparent battery does not exist, so this solves many problems.
    2. A processor and similar opaque peripherals, including a USB flash drive.
    3. Touch buttons (one on one side) - for which I will explain later.
    4. Connector for connecting to charging and computer.

    Principle of operation

    Everything is simple. A transparent screen allows you to look at it from two sides in any inverted state.
    Mostly we look at it from top to bottom and slightly inclined to the ground, so using a gyroscope to figure out how to rotate the screen and where to display the top and where is the bottom (and on which screen to show - it's easy to calculate). To ensure the opacity of the entire screen allows us our palm, which we usually hold the phone.

    Thus, we always know for sure that the screen will be turned to us on one side, no matter how we get the phone out of our pockets.

    What are the touch buttons for?

    I invest in them two functionalities, starting from the usual changes in sound volume and ending with blocking the change in screen position.

    More precisely, it looks like this:
    you decided to read while lying on your back in a train. When you take the phone to the rivers, you close the two sides with your hand (in the horizontal position - the lower, or upper (or both), or the lower / upper and two side, and in the vertical position - the side and lower / upper or both side). Thus, we provide the lock of the gyro at the software level.

    In this case, you can depict beautiful patterns on the edging, and the screen speaks for itself.

    I would use it.

    The second idea.

    I think this idea will appeal to many.

    It is more economically justified, and in practicality is not inferior. I call such a phone a transformer.
    Programming, and many of the usual things, went to modularity. When one part can be replaced by another and we get a similar, but different device.

    In this case, the idea is more trivial, but also easily extensible.

    Imagine the background: the usual background for the phone. Something like a case.

    In it I can insert a small box with a processor, a small rectangle with a microsymbol or for a regular SIM card. Bluetooth module, WiFi module, attach a battery cover on the back, and a touch screen on the front ... Or a screen with a keyboard ... Or a keyboard from the player ...

    In case I break the screen - I can buy a new one. Separately. And just snap in place of the old one. Or replace on the go. A new processor with more memory came out? Bought, delivered.

    Wanted a different color? Buy another substrate. Want to expand your device? Replace any module with an extension.

    All modules can be hooked under the screen / battery.

    When changing under the battery, it provides protection for the OS and burnout parts - removed the battery and replaced. When changing under the screen, I took off the screen, replaced it (the processor module should not be changed like that), set the screen, and the OS still works and at the same time found a new device, already installed and ready to work.

    Ah, yes, drivers for them can be stored directly in the module itself, so that there are no problems.

    This device will be pleasant not only to geeks, but also to ordinary people, because removes many economic problems - you can increase the power of your phone (or what you collect from this) gradually. Parts will always be needed. The repair question is removed - it’s cheaper to buy a new one. Well, etc.


    I would use such devices.
    Extensions of these ideas can be thrown in the comments, as well as (as expected) the inappropriateness of such ideas.

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