LinkedIn is a difficult but effective network for promotion. Basic principles and pitfalls

    LinkedIn is often forgotten when they think about promoting a company on the Internet. And it is in vain! The network is suitable for your own promotion, for promoting your company, for finding employees and partners.

    Professionals create profiles for themselves, join thematic groups, communicate with interesting people on interesting topics. And this can not be compared with communication on other sites. LinkedIn is a platform for serious people to communicate on serious topics.
    If you are promoting a company whose clients are top managers, HR specialists, marketers, foreign specialists, then LinkedIn is necessary. From my own experience I can say that the traffic to your site from LinkedIn may be the most significant, comparing with all other social platforms. This is to talk about the need to choose the right sites for promotion. For example, promoting companies such as the International Forum “Life Science Invest”, RESTEC EVENTS, the World Trade Center of St. Petersburg, I use LinkedIn as the main platform.

    The main principles of promotion:
    • We write current statuses - interesting and professional posts, links to third-party resources and to our own articles
    • We do newsletters on our own contacts and groups
    • Press “I like” and leave comments on posts
    • Establish new contacts, join new groups
    • Install applications (for example, SlideShare, broadcast your own blog, twitter, etc.)

    Not everything is as simple as it seems. LinkedIn is primarily a network of professional contacts. Therefore, there are a number of restrictions that you need to know about:

    1. There is a limit on the number of applications sent to friends - 3,000 applications. Then they propose to contact support and ask them to increase this number. If you have been registered for less than a year and you have already received complaints about spamming, you will be refused until an indefinite time.

    2. If you "actively establish contacts", then this feature may be blocked. The first time you can defrost your account yourself, then you will have to contact support. Your account will be unfrozen, reminded that you need to "establish contact" only with people you know. The main advice is to provide your friends with brief comments. But even if you write who you are and why you want to make contact, people still press the button “I don’t know this person”. And they can block you.

    3. When you are blocked a second time, then the account is deleted from the account. You can return it yourself. But if the profile image was deleted a third time, then you can no longer put it. Here is such a punishment for reckless behavior.

    4. Inconvenient invitations to the group. When sending invitations, you don’t see to whom it has already been sent, and to whom not. It turns out that by doing newsletters on your network of contacts, you can send the same message several times.

    5. There is a limit on the number of groups that you can be a member of - up to 50. Choose groups carefully, join those with the maximum number of participants.

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