Instead of the end of the world. Applications beat the browser

    Maybe this is the end of the world? :) But the winner of the long discussions about what is convenient for users - the browser or individual applications, seems to have become obvious.

    I tried to collect in one place the results of research by leading companies so that each of us could answer the question - do I need to create a separate application for the platforms, if there is already a website. Let's get a look.


    As you can see on the graph from both Business Insider and Flurry , in early 2011, American users began to spend more time in mobile applications than in a mobile browser.

    However, which is especially important, according to the same Business Insider, now Americans began to spend more time in mobile applications than in total in a mobile and desktop browser!

    According to Flurry, voiced at the Live Mobile Congress , in March 2012, users already spend more than 80% of their time on mobile devices in applications, less than 20% in a mobile browser.

    If you look in more detail, it is clear that tablets are used less often than smartphones, but longer. Which is quite logical - a cafe and a sofa suggest a longer session than traffic jams and queues.

    But back to the applications against the browser. The numbers above are data for the United States or the world average. At TNS has data and in Russia, they were presented at the conference " Brand Day "


    These are the results of a survey of mobile Internet in Russia last month - it can be seen that maps and traffic jams have already benefited from applications. There is a high probability that others will follow them, and this can take as long as possible for the news.


    It should be remembered that in Russia the share of smartphones among all phones until recently was generally below 20%. Today, we have passed the mark when mobile Internet is used more with smart phones, not smart phones. Nevertheless, even in the group of 35-54 years in Russia, only 69% of people generally go online from any device.
    Today, one often hears that companies do not want to make applications, as this essentially selects users from their own site, where you can show and make money on advertising.

    In today's trends, I personally have no doubt that with the launch of its own applications, the company can greatly benefit - both from a new audience, and from the greater loyalty of the existing one, and finally from different ways of monetization, including relevant advertising of an adequate and interesting format and design .

    Well, in the end, I have one question left - to what point will applications win against the browser. Will they destroy it (this is unlikely), will reach a critical mark in say 10% of the time, or will everything go in the opposite direction. True, this obviously will not happen now.

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