Web Ready 2012 Facts and Figures

    At the end of November, the annual WebReady competition of innovative projects ended in St. Petersburg . The winners of the competition were startups from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan and Perm.
    The first place among Internet projects was taken by the St. Petersburg startup Qbaka - a service for automatic collection and analysis of JavaScript errors on web services.
    The Moscow- based Penxy project was recognized as the best startup in the field of mobile technologies .
    The second and third places among Internet startups took the RealSpeaker project from Kazan and the RealtimeBoard from Perm. In the nomination “Best Startup in the Field of Mobile Technologies” the second was the St. Petersburg project “MedM” , and the third - the MoscowNorma Sugar .

    Winners' presentations can be viewed at the link >>
    This year, 584 startups from 90 cities and 13 countries of the world fought for victory in the competition. The competition is growing from year to year.

    Directions of 584 Web Ready-2012 participating projects:

    The most popular project areas were SaaS (189 applications) and Everyday Services (186). More than half of the projects - 389 - are developing at their own expense. Moreover, over 30% (182 startups) have already received investments. Basically, the submitted projects among the methods of monetization choose a subscription to services or content, as well as the sale of advertising.

    Some statistics on 38 semifinalists of the competition:
    27 startups entering the semifinals were launched in 2012. More than 85% of them are already operating businesses. 13 projects are developing at their own expense. Over 50% in the search for investments.


    The 38 selected semifinalists have currently attracted $ 14.9 million in their projects, while their total investment need for the next round is about $ 50 million.

    Ranking of graduates:

    TOP-10 universities Web Ready 2010:

    TOP-10 universities Web Ready 2011:

    TOP-10 universities Web Ready 2012:

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