Instantly remove downloaded special offers with kindle paperwhite

  • Tutorial
The method described below has been tested and works on Kindle Paperwhite (with special offers, of course) with firmware version 5.3.0 and was discovered by accident.

On the Internet, you can find several ways to remove ads, but they either require JailBreak , or a complete reset of the device, followed by constant offline work. The method below allows you to delete ads at any time, and until the next connection to the network it will not appear.

Next in order.

  1. We take the Kindle, which has just been connected to the Internet, and accordingly contains at least a few promotional offers.
  2. We disconnect from the Internet. (Settings-> Airplane Mode)
  3. Hold the power button for 30-40 seconds. The device will turn off much faster, but if you release the button earlier, nothing will work.
  4. Press the power button to boot.

Done, now all ads have been removed from your Kindle until you are back online. Instead of advertising screensavers, the standard one is displayed. Side effect - the clock will reset.

Only the banner that appears when you unlock and when viewing the list of books at the bottom of the screen reminds of advertising: “Please ensure your Kindle is registered and connect wirelessly to receive the latest Special Offers.”
I don’t have an explanation of how this method works, and I will grateful if anyone can describe the details. Most likely, SOs are stored in RAM, and during a hard reboot, they are not written to main memory.

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