Modern online platform for civic initiatives

    Today, November 22, 2012, a new ambitious project in the field of e-democracy and civic initiatives was launched - Yopolis ( .

    Jopolis is a new politically neutral online platform with the help of which people who are not indifferent to the problems of their city can find each other, unite to solve these problems and interact with government officials. The founder and ideologist of the project is the president of the Svyaznoy Group of Companies, Maxim Nogotkov.

    “In Russia there are many thinking, proactive and active citizens who need the opportunity to prove themselves. And to do this not only through rallies, slogans and demonstrations, but through concrete deeds that will really affect the life of your native city, ”said Maxim Nogotkov.

    Jopolis combines the entire set of functions that will allow each citizen to connect to the life of his city. This may be proposals to the authorities on the development of the district, urban infrastructure, search and association of like-minded people. Jopolis gives you the opportunity to prove yourself with real actions and reasonable offers, enlist the support of neighbors, residents of your area, city or even the whole country.

    Authorities can use Jopolis to make their work more transparent and understandable to voters, to receive feedback, support various projects and decisions from the population, to conduct voting and referenda.

    Special protection technology provided by Jopolis partner, Scytl, an international leader in the organization of electronic voting, will allow you to organize and conduct electronic voting of any level of complexity and secrecy.

    At the moment, the project is presented in beta version, its functionality will be supplemented and expanded. Jopolis invites all concerned to join the project and together begin to change life around for the better!

    What is Jopolis?

    We all want to live better. Living in comfortable homes. Living in beautiful, comfortable and thoughtful cities. Living in a prosperous and friendly country. Create something together and understand each other. Jopolis was created to make these dreams true. It is designed to help citizens learn to be more conscious and active, to use their voice, knowledge and experience to influence the life around. For example, organize parking near the house or change the laws of the country.

    With the help of Jopolis, you can quickly and safely organize any action, including fundraising and prove yourself in real business. Those who constantly help the city can, with the support of fellow citizens, become a “people's mayor”, with whom the real mayor will have to reckon. The project will help establish a dialogue between citizens and government officials. Officials, demonstrating participation in real affairs, can increase their reputation among future voters.

    In JopolisYou can delegate your vote to any user. Even if you are not able to fully devote yourself to the life of the city, then you can choose the person you trust, and he already uses your vote in the voting on issues that are important to you. The project uses the secure voting technology developed by the international company Scytl, a recognized expert in the field of electronic voting and the author of innovative solutions in the field of electoral technologies. Therefore, Yopolis can be used as a platform for holding any electoral voting and obtaining the most reliable statistics.

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