Atlas RIPE Probe: Use

    A month ago, I wrote an article about the probe that I brought from the ENOG-4 conference. A side effect of the article was a jump in the ordered probes, which can be seen on the graph of statistics on the distribution of probes by users.

    There were two main questions that arose in the process of contemplating the device: what is inside and how can it be used in practice?

    So, inside there is a rather expensive and relatively flexible Lantronix Xport-Pro device with its own USB power cable. The device costs more than $ 60 without a case and harness, but in fact they are paid by LIRs. For this money, we get a small linux-computer, which in principle can do many measurements.

    However, what is available to us as a user? Since there are many probes, they can be used for evil, therefore RIPE introduced a credit system: “loans” are accrued for continuous operation, which can then be spent on changes. Here is the accrual history for 1 constantly working (my) probe:

    We can spend these loans on creating a test. To the “ordinary” user, only the basic test versions are available with virtually no possibility to greatly customize requests:

    As follows from the documentation , access to the most interesting type of request, HTTP, is limited by an undefined basis. The test can be carried out by filtering the probes according to some criteria, for example, by region. You cannot use more than 30 probes at a time. Here are the settings for the ping test:

    As a result, we can look at the probes participating in the test and the latest queries:

    The measurement results themselves can be downloaded as JSON. Not much? I think so too. For example, I would be interested to look at the speed of downloading URIs from various points in the world or TCP traceroute, given the power and price of the device.

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