Google asks to vote against censorship and restrictions on the Internet

    The search giant has launched an action whose goal is to collect Internet signatures against the decision of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), which will be held on December 3 this year and at which its participants intend to change the organization’s rules.

    The meaning of the changes is that they justify government censorship of statements and restrictions on access to the network for everyone. It is also envisaged that services such as YouTube, Facebook and Skype will have to pay government fees for the transfer of information across the state border.

    At the same time, the situation is greatly complicated by the fact that ITU is closed - the meeting materials and proposals for changes are classified. At the same time, “engineers, software companies, and ordinary people who develop and use the Internet cannot influence ITU decisions.”

    In this regard, Google asks everyone with the opportunity to leave their vote against the planned changes.

    Sign in support of a free and open Internet:

    In a free world without borders, the Internet must be accessible. Not only governments, but also billions of Internet users and technical experts around the world should be able to influence the fate of the Internet.

    UPD : the habrauser Obstinate contacted me and told me that she, along with a like-minded person, touched by Google’s request to join the campaign, installed on some devices sold in shopping centers a Habr page with this topic so that even people far from the resource could find out about the problem.

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