Google began to reveal the source codes of Android 4.2

    Google in the person of Jean-Baptiste Kerou, one of the leaders of the Android Open Source Project, announced the beginning of the disclosure of the source Android 4.2 Jelly Bean. Instructions for obtaining codes are traditionally here , so get ready. The main device for AOSP is Samsung Nexus 10 (Manta), since everything except the GPU is accompanied by detailed documentation and source codes. For the GPU, as usual, only binaries.

    Keru notes that the Samsung Nexus S and Motorola Xoom are no longer supported by AOSP and will remain at 4.1.2 for now. Therefore, it is very likely that there will be no update for these devices, although Keru cannot give an official comment for Google, it is not in his competence.

    In addition, there is no support for the new Nexus 4. What is connected is not yet clear, but it is possible that with the new Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Pro chip. Similarly, there is no support for Nexus 7 3G, again licensing issues. So fans who install third-party firmware should wait until the comments of the tops appear, and not the engineers.

    What's new?

    Android 4.2 Jelly Bean is a cumulative update, which is why, by the way, the code name is Jelly Bean. For application developers, there are important changes to the API that can affect application behavior:
    • Content providers are no longer exported by default. Now you need to specify behavior
    • The behavior of the geography has changed. Again, you need to specifically determine what the application needs - the exact or approximate location
    • Some settings of the Settings.System system went into read-only mode, so if the application uses these APIs, then you will have to use the API level 17 Settings.Global

    Android Daydream, widgets and other goodies

    Daydream is a special mode in which an Android device can display current information from a device in a screensaver mode. It seems that only photos, Google Currents, watches and other little things are supported so far, but the API for developers is open. To do this, you need to use the DreamService subclass , which reveals the hybrid capabilities of widgets and live wallpapers. That is, Daydream in terms of capabilities and functionality is wider than the first, the second separately.

    As for widgets, now developers can develop their widgets to display on the lock screen. For this, a special description has been prepared in the documentation for applications with widgets.

    Implementation of support for multi-user mode caused a lot of noise, but developers do not need to worry about any specific optimizations, since most of the worries will be taken over by the system.

    About all the innovations in Android 4.2 in the field of using the second display, Renderscript, etc. you can read in the general review for developers or in the brief report the differences between API levels 16 and 17.

    Well, the developers of the popular CyanogenMod firmware are ready to start working on CM 10.1. As for the reference Nexus 4 and Nexus 10, all over the world today they were dismantled within an hour, so the excitement is serious, given that the devices turned out to be deliciously delicious.

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