Yahoo will ignore Do Not Track in Internet Explorer 10


    Back in 2009, Microsoft announced support for Do Not Track technology in Internet Explorer 9. This is an HTTP header that requires a web application to turn off tracking for a specific user. Soon after, Mozilla, Apple, and Opera added DNT support to their browsers.

    In version 10 of Internet Explorer, Microsoft decided to enable DNT by default. According to SlashGear, Yahoo did not like this step, and yesterday the company issued a statement saying that it would ignore the DNT signal in Internet Explorer 10.

    Yahoo said that the DNT standard has not yet been finalized and that Microsoft’s solution “worsens the interaction for most and makes it more difficult to provide them with our value proposition. ”

    Yahoo said in a statement that the company “supports Do Not Track in principle,” but believes that “DNT should be consistent with the intentions of the user - not just the creator of the browser, the author of the plug-in, or a third-party program.”

    The Verge notes that a similar decision to ignore DNT in IE10 was made by Apache developers. Then the co-founder of Apache, who himself was involved in the DNT specification, explained that DNT, by definition, should be an option that the user consciously chooses.

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