SMM 2.0

    In this post, I propose a name for a certain phenomenon. For the correct name clarifies the essence, causes relevant associations and, becoming generally accepted, facilitates communication. Apparently, everyone is familiar with the concept of smm (social media marketing) at some level: brand promotion in social networks. This is done by specially hired people or services. There is also an option when fans do it for free only because of a sincere love for the product. Apple is probably the most appropriate example. In principle, this option could be called smm 2.0, however, the context for using the term smm implies purposeful, non-spontaneous activity. And here there are examples when users are engaged in brand promotion, but not disinterestedly and not necessarily because of sincere love.

    1. Like directly in exchange for a service (I don’t remember the examples now, by the way I myself want to try in one of my future projects).
    2. Access to the hidden part of the text or the ability to watch a video, download, in other words, access to content in exchange for like. Here's an example post about it.
    3. Advertising by users on their pages in social networks - the user's income depends on the views and likes of this advertisement. This is how works . And here they write that “companies offer to pay from 200 hryvnias only for the user putting Like on the organization’s page and sharing the link with their“ friends ”. But, of course, such money is not distributed to everyone in a row. You must have at least one thousand people on your friends list. ”
    4. Advertising as a condition of participation in the (free) lottery. Project . Cool idea to ensure mass, I liked it.
    5. Discounts in exchange for likes. For example, the presentation of the buybylike advertising service that is currently not working .
    6. Discounts and bonuses in proportion to the rating of user influence in social networks. Practices rating service

    The example from paragraph 3 about is categorized as Cost Per Action. According to Wikipedia, this is a "model of payment for online advertising, in which only certain user actions are paid on the advertiser's site." So it would not seem worth inventing new terms. But first, note that Klout does not oblige the user to like, post, or do anything at all. He only hopes for such an action. Those. here is not necessarily "action". Secondly, like for access to content and like in exchange for a direct service - this is not exactly advertising in the traditional sense, there is no measurable “cost”.

    However, in all of the above examples, there is one thing in common - these are promotion methods that are similar in meaning to smm, but unlike regular smm, they are all related to the direct involvement of users in this promotion. Therefore, it seems logical to designate such an approach with the special term smm 2.0.

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