Microsoft refuses to install Verizon rootkit, Windows Phone 8 sales may be delayed

    There were rumors that Verizon Wireless, the largest mobile operator in the United States, has postponed the start of sales of smartphones based on Windows Phone 8. The reason is a disagreement with Microsoft over software on smartphones.

    The fact is that Verizon phones must have an application for diagnostics and remote monitoring installed. Such programs are built into the phone’s firmware and collect data on the use of the device, they track various user actions, including calls, SMS, signal strength, user coordinates, clicking on the touchscreen - and transmit them to the cellular operator.

    Since the utility works invisibly for the user, some researchers classify it as a rootkit .

    For example, here is a list of metrics that are collected by the CarrierIQ diagnostic utility, in accordance with official specifications .

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    For more, see the review of CarrierIQ on Habré . The fact that CarrierIQ was installed in the phone ’s firmware was confirmed by AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon, as well as cell phone manufacturers such as HTC, Samsung and Apple, although the latter refused to install CarrierIQ on devices starting with iOS 5.

    Apparently, Verizon refuses to sell devices without a "diagnostic program", and Microsoft does not want to concede.

    Of course, someone may say that these rumors are Microsoft PR. Indeed, against the background of the rootkit from Verizon, anyone looks like a defender of user rights and freedoms.

    The start of sales of HTC Windows Phone 8X, Nokia Lumia 920 and Lumia 820 in the AT&T network is scheduled for October 29. What devices Verizon will sell is not exactly known, but cooperation with the No. 1 operator in the USA is very important for Nokia .

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