Cliff Blezinski leaves Epic Games

    Cliff Bleszinski, a well-known and well-known game developer and design director at Epic Games, decided to leave the company.


    What led to this? What are Cliff's plans for the future? One can only guess about this. Only one thing is said: leaving Epic Games is not connected with any problems or conflicts, and this decision "will allow Cliff to climb the next step in the career ladder." What is this rung? Do not ask.

    The culprit of the news also did not go into details. “I have been working in the industry since adolescence, and, except for last year’s creative vacation, it’s always non-stop,” Cliff said. “I grew up in this business, as Mike Capps, president of Epic, likes to say.” And as I grew up, it's time for a break. ”

    Cliff Blezinski has been keeping up with the game industry for twenty years; it is to him that we owe such famous series as Jazz Jackrabbit, Unreal, Unreal Tournament and Gears of War.

    It is curious that in mid-August the founder and creative director of People Can Fly, Adrian Chmielarz, quit, explaining this by creating a new studio to work on a project for Epic. It was immediately said on the Web that these events are connected and Mr. Blezinski will join Pan Hmelyazh ...

    For the sake of order, we also recall that recently its founders Ray Muzyka and Greg Zechuk announced their departure from Bioware. What is the matter with them all? Doesn’t the “new glory” of Johnny Romero rest? ..

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