Came, saw, generalized: we plunge into Java Generics
Java Generics is one of the most significant changes in the history of the Java language. Generics, available with Java 5, have made using the Java Collection Framework simpler, more convenient, and safer. Errors related to incorrect use of types are now detected at compile time. And the Java language itself has become even safer. Despite the seeming simplicity of generic types, many developers have difficulty using them. In this post I will talk about the features of working with Java Generics, so that you have fewer difficulties. It is useful if you are not a guru in generics, and will help to avoid many difficulties when immersing in a topic.
Suppose a bank needs to calculate the amount of savings in customer accounts. Before the advent of “generics”, the sum calculation method looked like this:
We iterated, ran through the list of accounts and checked whether the item from this list was really an instance of the class
If you do not check (
With the advent of Generics, the need to check and type casting disappeared:
Now the method
We do not need to check the type of elements from this list: it is implied by the type description of the method parameter
In the second line of the test, the necessity also disappeared. If required, type conversion (
Barbara Liskov's substitution principle is a specific definition of a subtype in object-oriented programming. Liskov's idea of a “subtype” defines the concept of substitution: if it
Type / Subtype Relations Examples The
following is an example of using the substitution principle in Java:
First, a little theory. Covariance is the preservation of the inheritance hierarchy of source types in derived types in the same order. For example, if Cat is a subtype of Animals , then Set <Cats> is a subtype of Set <Animals> . Therefore, taking into account the substitution principle, one can perform the following assignment:
Set <Animals> = Set <Cats>
Contravariance is the inversion of the hierarchy of the original types to the opposite in derived types. For example, if the Cat is a subtype
Set <Cats> = Set <Animals>
Invariance - no inheritance between derived types. If the Cat is a subtype of Animals , then the Set <Cats> is not a subtype of the Set <Animals> and the Set <Animals> is not a subtype of the Set <Cats> .
Java arrays are covariant . A type
We have assigned a reference to an array of strings of a variable
But if we try to change the contents of the array through a variable
"Generics" are invariant. Let's give an example:
If you take a list of integers, then it will not be a subtype of the type
Are Generics Invariants Always? Not. I will give examples:
This is covariance.
This contravariant.
The view entry is
A more mathematical interpretation of the topic.
A couple of tasks for testing knowledge:
1. Why in the example below is a file-time error? What value can be added to the list
2. Why can't I get an item from the list below?
The wildcard feature with the upper and lower bound provides additional features associated with the safe use of types. From one type of variables you can only read, in the other - just enter it (the exception is the ability to write
Consider using Wildcard and the PECS principle using the example of the copy method in the java.util.Collections class.
The method copies the elements from the source list
If we mistakenly mistake the parameters of the copy method and try to copy from list
Below is a wildcard with an unlimited wildcard. We just put
In fact, such an “unlimited” wildcard is still limited, from above.
If we omit the type indication, for example, like this:
then, it is said that
If we try to call a parameterized method on the Raw type, the compiler will give us a warning "Unchecked call". If we try to assign the reference to the parameterized Raw type to the type, the compiler will generate the warning “Unchecked assignment”. Ignoring these warnings, as we will see later, can lead to errors during the execution of our application.
Let us now try to implement a method that permutes the elements of the list in the reverse order.
A compilation error occurred because the method
What to do? The pattern will help us
Now we have everything compiled. This is where the wildcard capture was captured. When calling a method
More information about
If you need to read from the container, then use a wildcard with the upper limit "
Do not use
When we write an identifier in angle brackets, for example
In this example, the expression
Here is another example from the Enum class:
Here, the Enum class is parameterized by the type E, which is a subtype of
The entry
A type variable can only be bounded above by one or more types. In the case of multiple constraints, the left border (the first constraint) is used during the mashing process (Type Erasure).
Type Erasure is a mapping of types (possibly including parameterized types and type variables) to types that are never parametrized types or variable types. We write mashing type
The rubbing mapping is defined as follows:
During the execution of Type Erasure (type mashing), the compiler performs the following actions:
This table shows what the different types are turning into in the process of mashing, Type Erasure.
In the screenshot below, two examples of the program:
The difference between them is that the compile-time error occurs on the left, and everything on the right is compiled without errors. Why?
In Java, we say that a type is
Why information about some types is available, but not about others? The fact is that due to the type overwriting process by the compiler, information about some types may be lost. If it is lost, then this type will no longer be reifiable. That is, it is not available at runtime. If available, respectively, reifiable.
The decision not to make all generic types available at runtime is one of the most important and controversial design decisions in the Java type system. So did, first of all, for compatibility with existing code. I had to pay for migratory compatibility - full availability of the system of generalized types at runtime is impossible.
Which types are not reifiable:
And one more problem. Why in the example below it is impossible to create a parameterized Exception?
Compilation of our application can give the so-called
As we mentioned earlier, assigning a reference to the Raw type of a variable of a parameterized type results in the warning “Unchecked assignment”. If we ignore it, a situation called "
In line (1), the compiler warns about “Unchecked assignment”.
We need to give another example of “pollution of the heap” - when we use parameterized objects. The code snippet below clearly shows that it is unacceptable to use parameterized types as method arguments using
Consider another example:
Java permits assignment in string (1). This is necessary for backward compatibility. But if we try to execute the method
Although the compiled types are subject to the erasure procedure (type erasure), we can get some information using Reflection.
If we want through Reflection to get information about the type of the object and this type is not
With the advent of Generics, the class has
A variable
If type information is available at runtime, then that type is called Reifiable. Reifiable types include primitive types, non-parameterized types, parameterized types with unlimited wildcard characters, Raw types, and arrays whose elements are reifiable.
Ignoring Unchecked Warnings can lead to heap pollution and errors during program execution.
Reflection does not provide information about the type of an object if it is not Reifiable. But Reflection allows you to get information about the type of the value returned by the method, the type of the method arguments and the type of the class fields.
The term can be translated as "type inference". This is the ability of the compiler to determine (infer) the type from the context. Here is a sample code:
With the advent of the diamond operator in Java 7, we can omit the type of y
The compiler will infer the type
In Java 8, the type inference engine has been greatly improved with JEP 101.
In general, the process of obtaining information about unknown types is referred to as Type Inference type inference. At the top level, type inference can be divided into three processes:
These processes work closely together: a cast can trigger a join, a join can lead to a further cast, and a resolution can lead to a further join.
A detailed description of the type inference mechanism is available in the language specification, where an entire chapter is devoted to it. We will return to JEP 101 and consider what goals he pursued.
Suppose we have a class here that describes a linked list:
The result of the generalized method
The type selection mechanism of the compiler shows that the type argument to call is
It seems reasonable that the compiler should also be able to infer a type when the result of such a call to the generic method is passed to another method as an argument, for example:
In JDK 7, we would get a compile-time error. And in JDK 8 it will be compiled. This is the first part of JEP-101, its first goal is type inference in the position of the argument. The only way to do this in versions prior to JDK 8 is to use an explicit type argument when calling the generic method:
The second part of JEP-101 says that it would be nice to display the type in the call chain of generalized methods, for example:
But this problem has not been solved so far, and it is unlikely that such a function will appear in the near future. Perhaps in future versions of the JDK the need for this will disappear, but for now you need to specify the arguments manually:
After JEP 101 was released on StackOverflow, a lot of questions appeared on the topic. Programmers ask why the code that was executed on version 7 is executed differently on the 8th version - or is it not compiled at all? Here is an example of such a code:
Look at the bytecode after compiling on JDK1.8:
Instruction number 0 makes a method call.
And now the bytecode after compiling on JDK1.7 - that is, on Java 7:
We see that there is no instruction
To avoid such problems, Oracle released a guide to migrating from JDK1.7 to JDK 1.8, which describes problems that may arise when upgrading to a new version of Java, and how these problems can be solved.
For example, if you want the code above after compiling to Java 8 to work the same as Java 7, do the type conversion manually:
This is where my story about Java Generics comes to an end. Here are other sources to help you master the topic:
The post is a brief retelling of the report of the same name, in which we understand the features of working with Java Generics.
Work with collections
Suppose a bank needs to calculate the amount of savings in customer accounts. Before the advent of “generics”, the sum calculation method looked like this:
publiclonggetSum(List accounts){
long sum = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = accounts.size(); i < n; i++) {
Object account = accounts.get(i);
if (account instanceof Account) {
sum += ((Account) account).getAmount();
return sum;
We iterated, ran through the list of accounts and checked whether the item from this list was really an instance of the class
— that is, the user's account. The type of our class object Account
and the method getAmount
that returned the amount on this account were cast . Then it all summarized and returned the total amount. Two steps were required:if (account instanceof Account) { // (1)
sum += ((Account) account).getAmount(); // (2)
If you do not check (
) for belonging to a class Account
, then at the second stage it is possible ClassCastException
- that is, the program crashes. Therefore, such a check was mandatory. With the advent of Generics, the need to check and type casting disappeared:
publiclonggetSum2(List<Account> accounts){
long sum = 0;
for (Account account : accounts) {
sum += account.getAmount();
return sum;
Now the method
getSum2(List<Account> accounts)
takes as arguments only a list of class objects Account
. This limitation is indicated in the method itself, in its signature, the programmer simply cannot transfer any other list — only the list of client accounts. We do not need to check the type of elements from this list: it is implied by the type description of the method parameter
List<Account> accounts
(you can read how список объектов класса Account
). And the compiler will give an error if something goes wrong - that is, if someone tries to transfer to this method a list of objects other than a class Account
. In the second line of the test, the necessity also disappeared. If required, type conversion (
) will be done at compile time.Substitution principle
Barbara Liskov's substitution principle is a specific definition of a subtype in object-oriented programming. Liskov's idea of a “subtype” defines the concept of substitution: if it
is a subtype T
, then type objects T
in a program can be replaced with type objects S
without any changes to the desired properties of this program.Type of | Subtype |
Number | Integer |
List <E> | ArrayList <E> |
Collection <E> | List <E> |
Iterable <E> | Collection <E> |
Type / Subtype Relations Examples The
following is an example of using the substitution principle in Java:
Number n = Integer.valueOf(42);
List<Number> aList = new ArrayList<>();
Collection<Number> aCollection = aList;
Iterable<Number> iterable = aCollection;
is a subtype Number
; therefore, you can assign a value to a n
type variable Number
that the method returns Integer.valueOf(42)
.Covariance, contravariance and invariance
First, a little theory. Covariance is the preservation of the inheritance hierarchy of source types in derived types in the same order. For example, if Cat is a subtype of Animals , then Set <Cats> is a subtype of Set <Animals> . Therefore, taking into account the substitution principle, one can perform the following assignment:
Set <Animals> = Set <Cats>
Contravariance is the inversion of the hierarchy of the original types to the opposite in derived types. For example, if the Cat is a subtype
, then the Set <Animals> is a subtype of Set <Cat> . Therefore, taking into account the principle of substitution, you can perform this assignment:Set <Cats> = Set <Animals>
Invariance - no inheritance between derived types. If the Cat is a subtype of Animals , then the Set <Cats> is not a subtype of the Set <Animals> and the Set <Animals> is not a subtype of the Set <Cats> .
Java arrays are covariant . A type
is a subtype T[]
, if S
is a subtype T
. Assignment Example:String[] strings = new String[] {"a", "b", "c"};
Object[] arr = strings;
We have assigned a reference to an array of strings of a variable
whose type is - «массив объектов»
. If the arrays were not covariant, we would not be able to do this. Java allows you to do this, the program will compile and run without errors.arr[0] = 42; // ArrayStoreException. Проблема обнаружилась на этапе выполнения программы
But if we try to change the contents of the array through a variable
and write the number 42 there, we will get ArrayStoreException
at the program execution stage, since 42 is not a string, but a number. This is a disadvantage of the covariance of Java arrays: we cannot perform checks at the compilation stage, and something can break already in runtime. "Generics" are invariant. Let's give an example:
List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2,3);
List<Number> nums = ints; // compile-time error. Проблема обнаружилась на этапе компиляции
nums.set(2, 3.14);
assert ints.toString().equals("[1, 2, 3.14]");
If you take a list of integers, then it will not be a subtype of the type
, nor any other subtype. He is only a subtype of himself. That is List <Integer>
- this is List<Integer>
nothing more. The compiler will make sure that a variable ints
declared as a list of objects of the class Integer contains only objects of the class Integer
and nothing but them. At the compilation stage, a check is performed, and nothing will fall in our runtime.Wildcards
Are Generics Invariants Always? Not. I will give examples:
List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<? extends Number> nums = ints;
This is covariance.
- subtypeList<? extends Number>
List<Number> nums = new ArrayList<Number>();
List<? super Integer> ints = nums;
This contravariant.
is a subtype List<? super Integer>
. The view entry is
"? extends ..."
either "? super ..."
called a wildcard or wildcard, with an upper bound ( extends
) or lower bound ( super
). List<? extends Number>
may contain objects whose class is Number
or is inherited from Number
. List<? super Number>
may contain objects whose class Number
or for which Number
is an heir (supertype from Number
).extends B - wildcard character specifying the upper boundary super B - wildcard character specifying the lower limit wherein B - is the boundary recording form T 2 <= T 1 means that a set of types described T 2 is a subset of the types described T 1 te . Number <=? extends Object ? extends Number <=? extends Object and ? super Object <=? super number |
A more mathematical interpretation of the topic.
A couple of tasks for testing knowledge:
1. Why in the example below is a file-time error? What value can be added to the list
?List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
List<? extends Number> nums = ints;
nums.add(3.14); // compile-time error
Если контейнер объявлен с wildcard
? extends
, то можно только читать значения. В список нельзя ничего добавить, кроме null
. Для того чтобы добавить объект в список нам нужен другой тип wildcard — ? super
2. Why can't I get an item from the list below?
publicstatic <T> T getFirst(List<? super T> list){
return list.get(0); // compile-time error
Нельзя прочитать элемент из контейнера с wildcard
? super
, кроме объекта класса Object
publicstatic <T> Object getFirst(List<? super T> list){
return list.get(0);
The Get and Put Principle or PECS (Producer Extends Consumer Super)
The wildcard feature with the upper and lower bound provides additional features associated with the safe use of types. From one type of variables you can only read, in the other - just enter it (the exception is the ability to write
for extends
and read Object
for super
). To make it easier to remember which wildcard to use, there is the principle of PECS - Producer Extends Consumer Super.- If we declared a wildcard with extends , then it is producer . It only "produces", provides an element from the container, but does not accept anything.
- If we declared a wildcard with super - then this is a consumer . He only accepts, but can not provide anything.
Consider using Wildcard and the PECS principle using the example of the copy method in the java.util.Collections class.
publicstatic <T> voidcopy(List<? super T> dest, List<? extends T> src){
The method copies the elements from the source list
to the list dest
. src
- announced with a wildcard ? extends
and is a producer, and dest
- declared with a wildcard ? super
and is a consumer. Given the wildcard covariance and contravariance, you can copy items from the list ints
to the list nums
:List<Number> nums = Arrays.<Number>asList(4.1F, 0.2F);
List<Integer> ints = Arrays.asList(1,2);
Collections.copy(nums, ints);
If we mistakenly mistake the parameters of the copy method and try to copy from list
to list ints
, the compiler will not allow us to do it:Collections.copy(ints, nums); // Compile-time error
<?> and raw types
Below is a wildcard with an unlimited wildcard. We just put
, without keywords super
or extends
:staticvoidprintCollection(Collection<?> c){
// a wildcard collection
for (Object o : c) {
In fact, such an “unlimited” wildcard is still limited, from above.
Is also a wildcard character, just like " ? extends Object
". A record of a form is Collection<?>
equivalent Collection<? extends Object>
, which means that a collection can contain objects of any class, since all classes in Java are inherited from Object
— so the substitution is called unbounded. If we omit the type indication, for example, like this:
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
then, it is said that
- this is the Raw
type of the parameterized ArrayList <T> . Using Raw types, we return to the pre-generic era and consciously discard all the features inherent in parametrized types. If we try to call a parameterized method on the Raw type, the compiler will give us a warning "Unchecked call". If we try to assign the reference to the parameterized Raw type to the type, the compiler will generate the warning “Unchecked assignment”. Ignoring these warnings, as we will see later, can lead to errors during the execution of our application.
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
arrayList = strings; // Ok
strings = arrayList; // Unchecked assignment
arrayList.add(1); //unchecked call
Wildcard capture
Let us now try to implement a method that permutes the elements of the list in the reverse order.
publicstaticvoidreverse(List<?> list);
// Ошибка!publicstaticvoidreverse(List<?> list){
List<Object> tmp = new ArrayList<Object>(list);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
list.set(i, tmp.get(list.size()-i-1)); // compile-time error
A compilation error occurred because the method
takes as an argument a list with an unlimited wildcard character <?>
. <?>
means the same as <? extends Object>
. Therefore, according to the PECS principle, list
it is producer
. And producer
only producing elements. And we in a cycle for
call a method set()
, i.e. trying to write in list
. And therefore we rest against the protection of Java, which does not allow to set any value on the index. What to do? The pattern will help us
Wildcard Capture
. Here we create a generic method rev
. It is declared with a type variable T
. This method takes a list of types T
, and we can make a set.publicstaticvoidreverse(List<?> list){
privatestatic <T> voidrev(List<T> list){
List<T> tmp = new ArrayList<T>(list);
for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
list.set(i, tmp.get(list.size()-i-1));
Now we have everything compiled. This is where the wildcard capture was captured. When calling a method
reverse(List<?> list)
, a list of some objects (for example, strings or integers) is passed as an argument. If we can capture the type of these objects and assign it to a type variable X
, then we can conclude what T
is X
. More information about
Wildcard Capture
can be read here and here .Conclusion
If you need to read from the container, then use a wildcard with the upper limit "
? extends
". If you need to write to the container, then use a wildcard with a lower bound " ? super
". Do not use a wildcard if you need to write and read. Do not use
types! If the type argument is not defined, use a wildcard <?>
.Type variables
When we write an identifier in angle brackets, for example
or when declaring a class or method <E>
, we create a type variable . A type variable is an unqualified identifier that can be used as a type in the body of a class or method. A type variable can be bounded above.publicstatic <T extends Comparable<T>> T max(Collection<T> coll){
T candidate = coll.iterator().next();
for (T elt : coll) {
if (candidate.compareTo(elt) < 0) candidate = elt;
return candidate;
In this example, the expression
T extends Comparable<T>
defines T
(a type variable) bounded above by type Comparable<T>
. Unlike a wildcard, type variables can only be limited from above (only extends
). Can not write super
. In addition, in this example it T
depends on itself; this is called the recursive bound
recursive boundary. Here is another example from the Enum class:
publicabstractclassEnum<EextendsEnum<E>>implementsComparable<E>, Serializable
Here, the Enum class is parameterized by the type E, which is a subtype of
.Multiple bounds
Multiple Bounds
- multiple restrictions. It is written through the symbol " &
", that is, we say that the type represented by a type variable T
must be limited from above by the class Object
and interface Comparable
.<T extends Object & Comparable<? super T>> T max(Collection<? extends T> coll)
The entry
Object & Comparable<? super T>
forms the type of intersection Multiple Bounds
. The first limitation - in this case Object
- is used for the erasure
type mashing process. It is executed by the compiler at the compilation stage.Conclusion
A type variable can only be bounded above by one or more types. In the case of multiple constraints, the left border (the first constraint) is used during the mashing process (Type Erasure).
Type erasure
Type Erasure is a mapping of types (possibly including parameterized types and type variables) to types that are never parametrized types or variable types. We write mashing type
as |T|
. The rubbing mapping is defined as follows:
- The rubbing of the parameterized type G < T1 , ..., Tn > is | G |
- Overwriting nested type TC is | T |. C
- The rubbing of the array type T [] is | T | []
- Rubbing a type variable is rubbing its left border.
- Mashing any other type is this type itself.
During the execution of Type Erasure (type mashing), the compiler performs the following actions:
- adds casting to ensure type safety, if necessary
- generates bridge methods to save polymorphism
T (Type) | | T | (Rubbing type) |
List <Integer>, List <String>, List <List <String >> | List |
List <Integer> [] | List [] |
List | List |
int | int |
Integer | Integer |
<T extends Comparable <T >> | Comparable |
<T extends Object & Comparable <? super T >> | Object |
LinkedCollection <E> .Node | LinkedCollection.Node |
This table shows what the different types are turning into in the process of mashing, Type Erasure.
In the screenshot below, two examples of the program:
The difference between them is that the compile-time error occurs on the left, and everything on the right is compiled without errors. Why?
В Java два разных метода не могут иметь одну и ту же сигнатуру. В процессе Type Erasure компилятор добавит bridge-метод
Скомпилируем класс Name, удалив метод
Видим, что класс содержит метод
public int compareTo(Object o)
. Но в классе уже содержится метод с такой сигнатурой, что и вызовет ошибку во время компиляции.Скомпилируем класс Name, удалив метод
compareTo(Object o)
, и посмотрим на получившийся байткод с помощью javap:# javap Name.class
Compiled from ""<> {
public java.lang.String toString();
Видим, что класс содержит метод
int compareTo(java.lang.Object)
, хотя мы его удалили из исходного кода. Это и есть bridge метод, который добавил компилятор.Reifiable types
In Java, we say that a type is
if information about it is fully accessible at runtime. Reifiable types include:- Primitive types ( int , long , boolean )
- Non-parameterized (non-generic) types ( String , Integer )
- Parameterized types whose parameters are represented as an unbounded wildcard (unlimited wildcard characters) ( List <?> , Collection <?> )
- Raw (unformed) types ( List , ArrayList )
- Arrays whose components are Reifiable types ( int [] , Number [] , List <?> [] , List [ )
Why information about some types is available, but not about others? The fact is that due to the type overwriting process by the compiler, information about some types may be lost. If it is lost, then this type will no longer be reifiable. That is, it is not available at runtime. If available, respectively, reifiable.
The decision not to make all generic types available at runtime is one of the most important and controversial design decisions in the Java type system. So did, first of all, for compatibility with existing code. I had to pay for migratory compatibility - full availability of the system of generalized types at runtime is impossible.
Which types are not reifiable:
- Variable type ( t )
- Parameterized type with specified parameter type ( List <Number> ArrayList <String> , List <List <String >> )
- Parameterized type with the specified upper or lower bound ( List <? Extends Number>, Comparable <? Super String> ). But here it is worth mentioning: List <? extends Object> is not reifiable, but List <?> is reifiable
And one more problem. Why in the example below it is impossible to create a parameterized Exception?
classMyException<T> extendsException{
T t;
Каждое catch выражение в try-catch проверяет тип полученного исключения во время выполнения программы (что равносильно instanceof), соответственно, тип должен быть Reifiable. Поэтому Throwable и его подтипы не могут быть параметризованы.
classMyException<T> extendsException{// Generic class may not extend ‘java.lang.Throwable’
T t;
Unchecked warnings
Compilation of our application can give the so-called
Unchecked Warning
- a warning that the compiler could not correctly determine the level of security using our types. This is not a mistake, but a warning, so you can skip it. But it is advisable to fix everything in order to avoid problems in the future.Heap pollution
As we mentioned earlier, assigning a reference to the Raw type of a variable of a parameterized type results in the warning “Unchecked assignment”. If we ignore it, a situation called "
Heap Pollution
" (heap pollution) is possible . Here is an example:static List<String> t(){
List l = new ArrayList<Number>();
List<String> ls = l; // (1)
return ls;
In line (1), the compiler warns about “Unchecked assignment”.
We need to give another example of “pollution of the heap” - when we use parameterized objects. The code snippet below clearly shows that it is unacceptable to use parameterized types as method arguments using
. In this case, the parameter of the method m is List<String>…
, i.e. in fact, an array of type elements List<String>
. Given the type mapping rule for mashing, the type is stringLists
converted into an array of raw lists ( List[]
), i.e. you can perform an assignment Object[] array = stringLists;
and then write to array
an object other than the list of strings (1), which will cause ClassCastException
a string (2).staticvoidm(List<String>... stringLists){
Object[] array = stringLists;
List<Integer> tmpList = Arrays.asList(42);
array[0] = tmpList; // (1)
String s = stringLists[0].get(0); // (2)
Consider another example:
ArrayList<String> strings = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
arrayList = strings; // (1) Ok
arrayList.add(1); // (2) unchecked call
Java permits assignment in string (1). This is necessary for backward compatibility. But if we try to execute the method
in line (2), we get a warning Unchecked call
- the compiler warns us about a possible error. In fact, we are trying to add an integer to the list of strings.Reflection
Although the compiled types are subject to the erasure procedure (type erasure), we can get some information using Reflection.
- All reifiable are available through the Reflection mechanism.
- Information about the type of class fields, method parameters and the values returned by them is available via Reflection.
If we want through Reflection to get information about the type of the object and this type is not
, then we will fail. But, if, for example, this object returned some method to us, then we can get the type of the value returned by this method:java.lang.reflect.Method.getGenericReturnType()
With the advent of Generics, the class has
become parameterized. Consider this code:List<Integer> ints = new ArrayList<Integer>();
Class<? extends List> k = ints.getClass();
assert k == ArrayList.class;
A variable
has a type List<Integer>
and it contains a reference to an object of type ArrayList< Integer>
. It ints.getClass()
will then return an object of type Class<ArrayLis>
, since it is List<Integer>
overwritten by List
. A type object Class<ArrayList>
can be assigned to a k
type variable Class<? extends List>
according to the covariance of the wildcard characters? extends
. And ArrayList.class
returns an object of type Class<ArrayList>
If type information is available at runtime, then that type is called Reifiable. Reifiable types include primitive types, non-parameterized types, parameterized types with unlimited wildcard characters, Raw types, and arrays whose elements are reifiable.
Ignoring Unchecked Warnings can lead to heap pollution and errors during program execution.
Reflection does not provide information about the type of an object if it is not Reifiable. But Reflection allows you to get information about the type of the value returned by the method, the type of the method arguments and the type of the class fields.
Type Inference
The term can be translated as "type inference". This is the ability of the compiler to determine (infer) the type from the context. Here is a sample code:
List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>();
With the advent of the diamond operator in Java 7, we can omit the type of y
:List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>();
The compiler will infer the type
out of context List<Integer>
. This process is called type inference
. In Java 8, the type inference engine has been greatly improved with JEP 101.
In general, the process of obtaining information about unknown types is referred to as Type Inference type inference. At the top level, type inference can be divided into three processes:
- Reduction
- Incorporation
- Resolution
These processes work closely together: a cast can trigger a join, a join can lead to a further cast, and a resolution can lead to a further join.
A detailed description of the type inference mechanism is available in the language specification, where an entire chapter is devoted to it. We will return to JEP 101 and consider what goals he pursued.
Suppose we have a class here that describes a linked list:
classList<E> {
static <Z> List<Z> nil(){ ... };
static <Z> List<Z> cons(Z head, List<Z> tail){ ... };
E head(){ ... }
The result of the generalized method
can be derived from the right side:List<String> ls = List.nil();
The type selection mechanism of the compiler shows that the type argument to call is
valid String
— it works in JDK 7, everything is fine. It seems reasonable that the compiler should also be able to infer a type when the result of such a call to the generic method is passed to another method as an argument, for example:
List.cons(42, List.nil()); //error: expected List<Integer>, found List<Object>
In JDK 7, we would get a compile-time error. And in JDK 8 it will be compiled. This is the first part of JEP-101, its first goal is type inference in the position of the argument. The only way to do this in versions prior to JDK 8 is to use an explicit type argument when calling the generic method:
List.cons(42, List.<Integer>nil());
The second part of JEP-101 says that it would be nice to display the type in the call chain of generalized methods, for example:
String s = List.nil().head(); //error: expected String, found Object
But this problem has not been solved so far, and it is unlikely that such a function will appear in the near future. Perhaps in future versions of the JDK the need for this will disappear, but for now you need to specify the arguments manually:
String s = List.<String>nil().head();
After JEP 101 was released on StackOverflow, a lot of questions appeared on the topic. Programmers ask why the code that was executed on version 7 is executed differently on the 8th version - or is it not compiled at all? Here is an example of such a code:
staticvoidm(Object o){
staticvoidm(String[] o){
static <T> T g(){
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){
Look at the bytecode after compiling on JDK1.8:
descriptor: ([Ljava/lang/String;)V
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: invokestatic #6 // Method g:()Ljava/lang/Object;
3: checkcast #7 // class "[Ljava/lang/String;"
6: invokestatic #8 // Method m:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
9: return
line 15: 0
line 16: 9
Instruction number 0 makes a method call.
The method returns java.lang.Object
. Next, instruction 3 performs the casting (“casting”) of the object obtained in the previous step to the array type java.lang.String
, and instruction 6 executes the method m:([Ljava/lang/String;)
, which will print “two” on the console. And now the bytecode after compiling on JDK1.7 - that is, on Java 7:
stack=1, locals=1, args_size=1
0: invokestatic #6 // Method g:()Ljava/lang/Object;
3: invokestatic #7 // Method m:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
6: return
line 15: 0
line 16: 6
We see that there is no instruction
that Java 8 has added, so the method will be called m:(Ljava/lang/Object;)
, and “one” will be printed on the console. Checkcast
- the result of a new type deduction that was improved in Java 8. To avoid such problems, Oracle released a guide to migrating from JDK1.7 to JDK 1.8, which describes problems that may arise when upgrading to a new version of Java, and how these problems can be solved.
For example, if you want the code above after compiling to Java 8 to work the same as Java 7, do the type conversion manually:
publicstaticvoidmain(String[] args){
This is where my story about Java Generics comes to an end. Here are other sources to help you master the topic:
- Naftalin, Maurice; Wadler, Philip. Java Generics and Collections. O'Reilly Media. ISBN-13: 978-0596527754
- Programming language Java SE 8. Addison-Wesley. ISBN: 978-5-8459-1875-8
- Bloch, Joshua. Effective Java. Third Edition. Addison-Wesley. ISBN-13: 978-0-13-468599-1
The post is a brief retelling of the report of the same name, in which we understand the features of working with Java Generics.