Interesting domain facts from DataGenetics

    Programmer Nick Berry, creator of the DataGenetics resource, which collects and analyzes information on the Internet, has published a number of interesting facts about domain names. Some of them are just curious, some may be interesting for website owners and domain investors.

    Did you know that:

    In the zone. СОМ 102.8 million domain names are registered, but only 12.54% of similar names are registered in the. NET zone. At the same time, 86% of domains in the .NET zone have analogues in the .COM zone.

    The average domain name length in the zone. COM is 12 characters, and in the .NET zone is 11 characters.

    In the zone. COM 26169 domains-palindromes (letter combinations or words that are equally read from left to right and from right to left).

    11.8% of domains in the .COM zone contain a hyphen.

    But only 9% of the domains in the zone. COM contain at least one digit.

    The most common letter in second-level domains is “E”.

    Domain names most often begin with the letter “S” and end with it.

    More detailed analysis can be found on the DataGenetics website .

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