Spell check MAC OS X without third-party programs

    All multilingual users of the MAC OS operating system sooner or later face the problem of spelling checking several languages ​​at once. The problem that Apple still cannot solve in any way lies in the impossibility of checking spelling in two languages ​​at once: in Russian and in English, for example.

    The reason is the incorrect function of the "automatically detect language" function. Rather, the function works, but it’s only with Russian that it has problems.
    Therefore: either Russian, or any other. But not at the same time.
    There are, of course, a couple of programs to solve this problem: cocoAspell and ABBYY ruSpell . But, the first was not originally intended for checking Russian spelling, and the second is a commercial project.
    If you already use one of these solutions, it completely suits you, you do not need to check, as such - you can not read further.
    Personally, I went the other way, which, in my opinion, is no worse, works wherever native verification works, does not require the installation of third-party applications, and will only take you a couple of minutes.
    The fact is that all of you should be aware of the functions "Remember Spelling" and "Ignore Spelling". In fact, this is one and the same function, which simply differs in name. The principle of operation is very simple: when you see that a word is not found in the native dictionaries of the system for any of the reasons (either it is missing or it is spelled incorrectly) - you can add it to the dictionary located at ~ / Users /% username% / Library / Spelling / ru .

    Moreover, both functions do the same thing - they simply add an unfamiliar word from a new line. If the word is present in this file, the system ignores it and believes that it is spelled correctly. Everything is very simple.
    It was from this principle that I repelled myself when I thought about how to “cure” the spellcheck for two languages.

    After a brief search on the net, I found a more or less explanatory dictionary of English words. After a little digging into the already created system file of the dictionary, I figured out what encoding the system itself saves, what method of line break is used, converted the downloaded dictionaries to the format needed by the system and slipped them into a folder. Then reboot. By the way, the spellchecking language in the settings should be marked as "Russian".
    And, a couple of hours were spent not in vain - everything works.

    The system has a native stock of Russian words plus a created dictionary of English words that will not be emphasized. Thus, spell checking works.
    Already prepared a file, which you will only put in the folder ~ / Users Offline /%% the username / Library then / the Spelling / , you will find here .

    Didn’t you want the same thing?

    Ps The article is not mine, I publish at the request of a friend who does not have an account on the hub, but would love ^ _ ^

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