2Giga. Issue # 11: And Harmful Rumors Can Be Helpful If You Are True

Evgeny Zharkov
Vladimir Yunev
- Rumor: during WWDC 2010, Ballmer will introduce Visual Studio 2010 for iPhone / MacOSX development
- Rumor: Bing will be the default search engine on iPhone OS 4
- 30 million Windows Phone 7 in 2011?
- Samsung Windows Phone 7, video and gameplay
- MeeGo 1.0 released
- Robbie Bach and Jay Allard will leave Microsoft
- Natal will cost $ 149
- UX chief on webOS leaves Palm for Google
- Top 1000 Visited Sites from Google
- Microsoft is experimenting with ServiceOS
- Bynet - everything is under state control
- Pranksters qualitatively complemented iPad ads in Berlin
- Expression Studio 4 will launch on June 7 at the Internet Week Conf conference in New York
- “My task is to destroy IE6”
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