Ajax site indexed by all search engines

    I see a lot of articles on the topic that people are trying to make Ajax sites but they are confused that such sites will not be indexed by search engines. Google is fine with this, you can use special syntax .

    Some time ago, I had the task of making an Ajax site working "like twitter" but at the same time indexed by search engines.

    There was no problem with Google, but with Yandex it was more difficult. Everything was decided quite simply. It is necessary to make the site work without Javascript. As for users with Javascript disabled. And I converted the links on the site to the desired format when visiting the site through a browser with Javascript enabled.

    As a result, it was decided to make the site static with static links / p / video and when loading the site to convert them to a "broken web".

    1. $ ("a"). each (function () {
    2.         var href = $ (this) .attr ("href");
    3.         if (href) {
    4.             var nh = href.replace (/ ^ / p // g, "/ #! /");
    5.             $ (this) .attr ("href", nh);
    6.             $ (this) .bind ("click", function () {
    7.                 show ($ (this) .attr ("href")); 
    8.             });     
    9.         }
    10.     });

    After that, the site user already clicks on the links of the form / #! / Video, which are tracked using jQuery Address Plugin v1.4 and loaded on the fly.

    Website http://flir-russia.ru/
    Indexed by Yandex
    Indexed by Google

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