PaaS All-in-One

    I want to draw the attention of habrayuzers to a potentially very interesting new service: DotCloud .

    What is he curious about? About three years ago, the first more or less popular PaaSs (Platform as a Service) appeared: Heroku and Google App Engine , each of which is focused on a specific technology stack (Ruby and Python, respectively). Since then, quite a lot of different PaaSs have appeared, but they had nothing fundamentally new.

    DotCloud surprises with the number of supported technologies. The main page claims support for Python, Ruby, PHP, Node.js (!), Java, several databases, both SQL and NoSQL, and such things as RabbitMQ, memcached, Hadoop, etc.

    I think that many people immediately ask how well this all works and how it is implemented. Unfortunately, I cannot answer the first question - there is no open registration yet, but you can leave a request for an invite. Invites come slowly due to the fact that, as managed to find out through support, there are a lot of applications.

    However, it is stated that several companies are already using DotCloud in production.

    Information about the technology stack that DotCloud uses itself was found : the main part is written in Python (with Pylons and Django as a web framework), Ruby / Sinatra is also used; as PostgreSQL, Redis, and Riak databases. System components interact using ZeroMQ.

    They also have an organization registered.on github, but it’s not clear which of the projects is actually used, and the dates of the latest updates are not very fresh.

    One way or another, the service promises to be very interesting.

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