Unicode 6.1 released, 732 new characters added

    On January 31, a new version of the Unicode 6.1.0 standard is officially presented , this is a minor release compared to Unicode 6.0.0 ( October 2010 ).

    The latest version includes 732 new characters , including seven new scripts: Chinese, Asian and African. Among 110 thousand Unicode characters you can find glyphs for every taste, for example, here is the LOVE HOTEL character (U + 1F3E9):

    Unicode 6.1 adds support for 200 variators for Emoji icons (emoticons), so now these icons can be described in black and white white (text style), and in color (emoji style).

    26FA FE0EU + 26FA + U + FE0E /TENT text style
    26FA FE0FU + 26FA + U + FE0F /TENT emoji style
    26FD FE0EU + 26FD + U + FE0E /FUEL PUMP text style
    26FD FE0FU + 26FD + U + FE0F /FUEL PUMP emoji style
    Of the other enhancements in Unicode 6.1: two new linebreaking properties for Japanese and Hebrew texts have been added; improved text segmentation for Thai, Lao and similar languages; Improved processing of Chinese texts due to more accurate mapping between simplified and traditional Chinese characters.

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