Multi-touch globe from Displax

Modern technologies make it possible to turn even such an ordinary thing as a globe into something high-tech, surprising. So, the developers of Displax created a chic globe with a multi-touch surface, and named their brainchild Multitouch Globe. The diameter of the globe is not so large, 1 meter, but more is not required for comfortable work. The user works with the globe in the same way as it does with multi-touch displays. In general, such a device would be very useful in schools, institutes, sorry, the price is still unknown.
The project will be shown at Integrated Systems Europe, an exhibition that will run from January 31st to February 2nd in Amsterdam. The technology introduced by Displax is now awaiting a patent, so that the second such globe after obtaining a patent by developers can only be created under license, as far as you can understand.
All this works as follows: a transparent flexible polymer is applied to the surface (glass), which is the active surface. From the inside, all this is highlighted by a projector that projects the image on the inside of the screen. The projection is not ordinary, but the so-called "fish-eye", using special lenses. As a result, we get the effect of a globe with multi-touch. The developers believe that their project can be used in museums, various exhibitions and galleries.
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Via ubergizmo