Simple Restful Implementation for Yii


    I decided on copper to write the google chrome extension for the project of the company in which I work. The extension and the project itself is dedicated to auto topics. In the process of writing, the server side annoyed me, which gave the extension ready-made data layout and styles, but I wanted json. An article about restful caught my eye and decided to write the server side on restful architecture.
    Our project is implemented on native php without using any frameworks. I wrote a simple class that implements the necessary fennies, but could not stop there, since I am a fan of yii decided to implement this for him as well. I looked at third-party developments, but I wanted my own, moreover, the class I wrote normally coped with the tasks assigned to it. My adapted class for yii was shown to colleagues, saying yes and how they liked it. But then I suffered, I wanted it even easier.


    In yii there is such a wonderful opportunity “ Binding action parameters ” as the manual says - you can set named parameters that will automatically get the corresponding value from $ _GET.

    class UpdateAction extends CAction
        public function run($id)
            // $id будет заполнен значением из $_GET['id']

    Here the idea visited the opportunity not only to receive from GET but also POST, PUT, DELETE according to restful. As a result, I had to redefine the CController class with its runAction method and add the missing one.
    GetActionParams is responsible for getting the GET; it is simple to the ugliness.
    * Returns the request parameters that will be used for action parameter binding.
    * By default, this method will return $_GET. You may override this method if you
    * want to use other request parameters (e.g. $_GET+$_POST).
    * @return array the request parameters to be used for action parameter binding
    * @since 1.1.7
    public function getActionParams()
    	return $_GET;

    By adding your methods to the overridden class ORestController.
    (I used the latest version 1.1.9 and get the data from $ _POST I didn’t succeed as I didn’t try, I had to take everything from the stream)
    //возвращает POST данные
     public function getActionParamsPOST()
           //Получаем данные
           $fh = fopen("php://input", 'r');
           $post_param = explode("&", $post_string);
           foreach($post_param as $post_val)
           $param = explode("=", $post_val);
           return $array_post;
    //возвращает DELETE данные
        public function getActionParamsDELETE()
            //получаем данные
           $fh = fopen("php://input", 'r');
           $delete_param = explode("&", $delete_string);
           foreach($delete_param as $delete_val)
              $param = explode("=", $delete_val);
           return $_delete;
    //возвращает PUT данные
        public function getActionParamsPUT()
            //Получаем данные из PUT
            $fh = fopen("php://input", 'r');
            $put_param = explode("&", $put_string);
            foreach($put_param as $put_val)
            $param = explode("=", $put_val);
            return $array_put;

    And slightly changing the original method
         * Runs the action after passing through all filters.
         * This method is invoked by {@link runActionWithFilters} after all possible filters have been executed
         * and the action starts to run.
         * @param CAction $action action to run
         * Переопределяем runAction для получения PUT,DELETE,POST
        public function runAction($action)
                switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])
                    case "POST":
                        $params= $this->getActionParamsPOST();
                    case "PUT":
                        $params= $this->getActionParamsPUT();
                    case "DELETE":
                        $params= $this->getActionParamsDELETE();
                       $params= $this->getActionParams();

    Well, that's all in principle, we inherit our new controller and work.
    class ApiController extends  ORestController
        public function actions()
    	return array
    		'test' => 'application.controllers.actionsApi.actionTest',

    class actionTest extends CAction 
     public function run($params='')
         switch ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'])
             case "POST":
                 echo "POST ".$params;
             case "PUT":
                 echo "PUT ".$params;
             case "DELETE":
                 echo "DELETE ".$params;
                 echo "GET ".$params;

    It remains to implement the necessary functionality for each action, each action works with a separate entity as described in restful. No need to set the URL rules therefore does not affect the performance of the application.
    PS: The methods getActionParamsPOST, getActionParamsPUT, getActionParamsDELETE can be reduced to one method, thereby reducing another code.

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