Python, scipy.weave and openMP - overclocking code

    Hello% username%, this article is devoted to the problem of increasing the speed of mathematical calculations based on the python language using scipy.weave and openMP .

    Many may ask, “Why use python for mathematical calculations at all?”, But we will not answer “eternal” questions, nor will we consider many other solutions to this problem, such as, for example, psyco .


    As described above, our tool is the scipy.weave library , as well as the openMP library .
    scipy - a set of libraries for computing in applied mathematics and science. openMP is an open standard for parallelizing C, C ++, and Fortran programs.

    Package Installation

    On Debian-like Linux systems, you must do:
    apt-get install python-scipy
    apt-get install libgomp1


    To increase the speed of calculations, it is necessary to implement the “narrow” part of python code (usually a cycle in which some actions with the matrix take place) in C and add openMP directives for parallelization.


    I think that there is nothing better than to verify this method by solving the following problem as an example:
    • there is a matrix of size n by n, a vector of size n, and an integer;
    • it is necessary to subtract from each row of the matrix a vector multiplied by an integer (from the simplex method).

    Python implementation

    In python c, using numpy this task, without taking into account various preparatory operations, such as matrix generation and other things, solves in a couple of lines of code:
    1. # loop through the rows of the matrix, where i is the row number
    2. # c is an integer, randRow is a random vector
    3. for i in xrange (N):
    4.     matrix [i ,:] - = c * randRow
    Generation of a random matrix x by y, in our case x = y:
    1. # generating a random matrix x by y
    2. # matrix elements - random numbers from 0 to 99 inclusive.
    3. def randMat (x, y):  
    4.     randRaw = lambda a: [randint (0, 100) for i in xrange (0, a)]
    5.     randConst = lambda x, y: [randRaw (x) for e in xrange (0, y)]
    6.     return array (randConst (x, y))

    Scipy.weave implementation without openMP

    scipy.weave is part of the scipy library that allows you to use C / C ++ code inside python code .
    It happens as follows:
    1. # C code
    2. codeC = 
    3. "" "
    4. int i = 0;
    6. for (i = 0; i <N * M; i ++) {
    7.     matrix [0, i] = matrix [0, i] - (c * randRow [i% M]);
    8. }
    9. "" "
    10. weave.inline (codeC, ['matrix', 'c', 'randRow', 'N', 'M'], compiler = 'gcc')

    those. The C code itself is stored as a multiline string , and the python code variables are passed to the C list, where the elements are the same text constants. Also, numpy arrays are transferred to C not in the form of a matrix, but in the form of a vector, which is why the code has one cycle, not two.

    By the way, the resulting C code can be searched in / tmp /% user% / python2x_intermediate / compiler_x

    Scipy.weave implementation with openMP

    Now, to the added version, you need to add openMP directives and add the missing parameters in the inline call , namely:
    1. # C and openMP code
    2. codeOpenMP = 
    3. "" "
    4. int i = 0;
    6. omp_set_num_threads (2);
    7. #pragma omp parallel shared (matrix, randRow, c) private (i)
    8. {
    9. #pragma omp for 
    10. for (i = 0; i <N * M; i ++) {
    11.     matrix [0, i] = matrix [0, i] - (c * randRow [i% M]);
    12. }
    13. }
    14. "" "
    16. ...
    18. weave.inline (codeOpenMP, ['matrix', 'c', 'randRow', 'N', 'M'],
    19.     extra_compile_args = ['- O3 -fopenmp'],
    20.     compiler = 'gcc',
    21.     libraries = ['gomp'],
    22.     headers = [''])
    Full source code with all implementations can be downloaded here.

    Comparison of Results

    The above source code can be run and make sure that scipy.weave really gives an increase in speed:
    Test on size: 100x100
    	Pure python: 0.0725984573364
    	Pure C: 0.303888320923
    	C plus OpenMP: 0.109100341797
    	Test - ok
    Test on size: 1000x1000
    	Pure python: 1.00839138031
    	Pure C: 0.506997108459
    	C plus OpenMP: 0.333213806152
    	Test - ok
    Test on size: 2000x2000
    	Pure python: 3.24151515961
    	Pure C: 2.10800170898
    	C plus OpenMP: 1.17690563202
    	Test - ok
    Test on size: 3000x3000
    	Pure python: 5.54490089417
    	Pure C: 4.61800098419
    	C plus OpenMP: 2.56960391998
    	Test - ok


    The following resources were used in writing the code:

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