Google+ has grown to 62 million profiles, adds 625 thousand per day

    Despite the many negative forecasts, following the results of 2011, the launch of the Google+ social network can probably be considered successful. The project did not fail, like previous social initiatives of Google, it is successfully integrated with other services, and the future of the social network looks very promising. It’s important to summarize the Google+ results right now, at the end of the year, because the success rate of this project, as we remember, depends on the annual bonus ratio of all Google employees for 2011, which will be from 0.75 to 1.25.

    According to the latest estimation of the frequency of Google+ names from Paul Allen (see the methodology ), Google+ audience has exceeded 62 million profiles, and in recent days the number of registrations is 625 thousand per day.

    Allen predicts that by the end of 2012, Google+’s audience will grow to 400 million profiles, which can already be compared with Facebook. Recall that Facebook now has 700 million active users (daily audience). The number of active Google+ users is unknown, and this is the most interesting question.

    Paul Allen has been evaluating Google+ audiences almost since launch and adjusting the model to match the official numbers for Google+ from Google.

    Here are his past assessments, which provide an opportunity to assess the dynamics of audience growth, as well as a forecast for the near future.

    July 13 - 10 million
    August 1 - 20.5 million
    September 1 - 24.7 million
    October 1 - 38 million (Larry Page announced "more than 40 million" on October 13)
    November 1 - 43 million
    December 1 - 50 million
    December 27 - 62 million
    January 1 - 65.8 million (forecast)
    February 1 - 85.2 million (forecast) There are

    reasons to maintain the growth rate, because 24.01% of the current audience have joined (will join ) to the social network only in the last month, December. The growth rate should remain at the expense of Android users and the integration of new services on Google+. In addition, the network effect begins to act on such volumes when the existing audience pulls in their friends.

    Apparently, you can congratulate Google employees in advance with a maximum annual bonus ratio.

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