Kickstarter project participant is going to produce triangular tablets

    In one of the series of the popular series “Office”, a joke about a triangular tablet was heard. Now this is not a joke, but a real project of a developer named Eric Callisto, who is going to realize his idea with the help of the Kickstarter community. Actually, to start the production of triangular tablets, a friend needs 25 thousand dollars, which he asks from Kickstarter. So, at one point, Eric came up with the idea that a triangular tablet is not such a bad idea.

    Now he can not provide neither prototypes nor possible characteristics of the future device. True, Callisto claims that his tablet will work on the Android OS (although with the same success it can be stated that the time machine, which is preparing to exit, will also work on this OS). To start work, as mentioned above, our comrade needs 25 thousand dollars, until January 21.

    Interestingly, Eric's idea was supported by many members of the Kickstarter community, who believe that triangular tablets are no worse than ordinary, rectangular ones. At the same time, no one can sue the creators of the device for the similarity of design, as is the case with Apple and Samsung. What the hell is not joking, as they say, what if this crazy idea really becomes popular? And after a couple of years no one will remember about rectangular tablets?

    Via Dvice

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