Well, a very inexpensive laptop and moto cart telepresence robot

    Now many modders and just lovers of digging into hardware (let's say geeks) began to create their own models of telepresence robots. At the same time, of course, mostly improvised materials are used. As a result, the robots are quite interesting, and their cost is low. At the same time, factory analogues can cost 2-3-5 and more than thousands of dollars, which few people can afford. But an engineer from Canada named Colin Adamson created his own model of such a robot for only $ 225.

    Probably, the price is even lower, since this is the cost of pre-order, which clearly should at least slightly exceed the cost of assembly. In his model, Colin uses a motorized trolley of his own design, which is equipped with a gyroscope, everything necessary for movement and an Arduino controller (as without it). An inexpensive netbook is installed on the cart, and the journey of the impromptu “robot” begins.

    Interestingly, Colin adapted a netbook running Windows, although Linux is usually used in such cases. Management is carried out either from another computer / laptop (running Windows), or from mobile devices based on Android or iOS.

    As mentioned above, the cost of the robot, called Oculus, is low. You can pre-order for only $ 225, and as soon as the required amount has accumulated, a batch of robots will go into production. After setting up a mass production of Oculus, Colin will set a robot price of $ 270. In principle, very good. As far as you can understand, only the trolley is delivered, and the netbook will need to install its own.

    Via xaxxon

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