More than 700,000 Android devices are activated every day.

    June 28, Andy Rubin of Google announced that the number of activations of Android devices has exceeded half a million a day. Today, he said that this number has grown to 700,000 . This means more than 29 166 activations per hour, 486 activations per minute or 8 activations per second.

    Andy Rubin explained that each device in statistics is taken into account only once, at the time of registration in the operator’s network after buying a new device. It is not re-counted, for example, in case of subsequent resale of the device and activation of another operator in the network.

    The number of mobile subscribers in the world is about 4.6 billion. If every ninth time every two years will change your Android-phone to a new model - we will receive 700 thousand activations per day.

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