Reading text on iPod nano 6g

Not so long ago, the idea came to my mind to use my iPod nano 6g as a help when writing off exams. What could be more convenient than reading a text document directly from your wrist and not being caught with spurs?
Everything turned out not to be as cloudless as I expected — it was on the iPod of the sixth generation nano that Apple ruled out the notes feature so beloved to me — but a solution was nevertheless found. I invite all interested compassionate under cat.
It's no secret that iPod nano 6gin its concept, it initially claimed to be a watch in the hands of future owners. Despite the fact that Apple has not officially released the original straps, but a similar form factor of its brainchild was de facto confirmed by the release of firmware 1.2, in which 16 new electronic dials were added.
So why not use it to write spurs? To implement this idea, I needed to order a rubber strap on eBay from one of thousands of Chinese manufacturers and sit down to study the issue. As it turned out, this subject was not really disclosed on either Western or domestic resources. I had to dig myself.
How to get iPod nano 6g to read texts :
Despite the sixth-generation nano notes being discontinued, users of these devices have two options:
1. Add the necessary information to the lyrics.
2. Create image files that will contain text.
Way 1. Editing lyrics

for iTunes To edit lyrics in iTunes, you need to right-click on a previously inconsequential song, then Information -> Words
- the inability to format text
- the inconvenience of navigating the text
- the need to create fake albums or use existing ones, which reduces usability
Way 2. Convert text to .jpg or .png

Since the screen resolution of iPod nano 6g is 240x240 pixels and the photo zoom is 4x, it’s most logical to create .jpg or .png image files of 960x960 pixels in size . The text options that were least adapted for reading, as for me, were: Times New Roman 22 size . Then these files must be placed in the synchronization folder with your iPod. There is one rule: each subfolder is an album. There is clearly more freedom of sorting and ease of navigation when using this method.
That, in fact, is all.
PS Curvy "screenshots" of the iPod, please do not take seriously;)