IE7 {css2: auto; }
IE7 is a JavaScript library that makes the explorer work by standards. Eliminates a lot of problems with css, makes it correctly handle translucent PNG under IE5 and IE6.
IE7 loads and parses style sheets in a format that the explorer understands. After that, it becomes possible to use CSS2 / CSS3 functions without css hacks.
A lightweight version of the script is included in your HTML / XML document. No change to markup or css styles is needed.
IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer support for W3C CSS and HTML standards:
* supports the following CSS selectors:
+ namespace | selector
+ parent> child
+ adjacent + sibling
+ adjacent ~ sibling
+ [attr], [attr = "value"], [attr ~ = "Value"], etc.
+ .multiple.classes (fixes bug)
+: hover ,: active,: focus (for all elements)
+: first-child,: last-child, only-child, nth-child, nth-last-child
+: check ,: disabled,: enabled
+: root,: empty,: contains (),: not ()
+: before /: after / content:
+: lang ()
* works with HTML and XML documents
* supports imported styles
* retains structure style sheets
* does not change the structure of the document
* does not re-query the DOM structure when using JavaScript
* uses pure CSS to display stylesheets correctly
* supports W3C box model in standard and individual modes
* supports fixed positioning (objects do not flicker)
* supports overflow: visible
* supports min / max-width / height
* fixes corrupted (X) HTML elements (abbr, object)
* standardizes form actions (form behaviors)
* supports PNG alpha channel
* has a lightweight script (22K)
* has a modular structure (free adding and removing modules)
* works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows only)
Download version: 0.9 (alpha)
Translation of the topic from
Original to dean.edwards .name (not available at the time of writing)
upd now the topic is in a more suitable section
IE7 loads and parses style sheets in a format that the explorer understands. After that, it becomes possible to use CSS2 / CSS3 functions without css hacks.
A lightweight version of the script is included in your HTML / XML document. No change to markup or css styles is needed.
IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer support for W3C CSS and HTML standards:
* supports the following CSS selectors:
+ namespace | selector
+ parent> child
+ adjacent + sibling
+ adjacent ~ sibling
+ [attr], [attr = "value"], [attr ~ = "Value"], etc.
+ .multiple.classes (fixes bug)
+: hover ,: active,: focus (for all elements)
+: first-child,: last-child, only-child, nth-child, nth-last-child
+: check ,: disabled,: enabled
+: root,: empty,: contains (),: not ()
+: before /: after / content:
+: lang ()
* works with HTML and XML documents
* supports imported styles
* retains structure style sheets
* does not change the structure of the document
* does not re-query the DOM structure when using JavaScript
* uses pure CSS to display stylesheets correctly
* supports W3C box model in standard and individual modes
* supports fixed positioning (objects do not flicker)
* supports overflow: visible
* supports min / max-width / height
* fixes corrupted (X) HTML elements (abbr, object)
* standardizes form actions (form behaviors)
* supports PNG alpha channel
* has a lightweight script (22K)
* has a modular structure (free adding and removing modules)
* works with Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows only)
Download version: 0.9 (alpha)
Translation of the topic from
Original to dean.edwards .name (not available at the time of writing)
upd now the topic is in a more suitable section