How to dictate email by phone

    I will dictate the spells by phone to dictate the email address or website - so that any interlocutor will understand you, be it an Indian from technical support, or Marvann from accounting ...

    Assisi? Despite the progress and diversity of information technology, a person of the 21st century still sometimes has to old-fashioned dictate information by phone. As a rule , there are noproblems with the native language- the necessary Ulyans and Kharitons are recalled by themselves. It's another matter if you need to dictate an email address: at best, your confident “BBC” will stumble over “BBC or pi? ty or di? ”, and in the worst case it will break against the wall“ but I learned German at school ”. We have to forget about self-esteem and frantically look for primitive associations: “es like a dollar”, “al like a chair” ...

    Meanwhile, the problem was solved in the last century: pilots, military, and hams use special phonetic alphabets for reliable text transmission , the most famous of which is the NATO phonetic alphabet (" A lpha, I B ravo, where is C harlie?"). Words in the phonetic alphabet are selected in such a way that they are easy to distinguish even with poor communication. But even if you printed yourself a cheat sheet with the alphabet - there are already three problems. Firstly, when dictating a text, you have to constantly run your eyes around the table, trying not to forget the text itself and not mix up the letters. Secondly, there is a risk that a foreigner will misunderstand you: for example, the average Italian in NATO Juliet ( Juliet) will hear the more familiar " G iulietta". (It can be understood - in the Italian alphabet there are no letter J.) Third - and this is the worst part - the callers you clients, as a rule, do not have cribs, express themselves and who in what is ready .

    The Dictate Spell Service ( ) solves all these problems: enter the text and dictate the result in a language that the interlocutor understands. With English speakers, you can use the international aviation alphabet , or the NATO alphabet . Communicate with a German? No problem, choose the German phonetic alphabet- and instead of Hotel and Uniform, Heinrich and Ulrich appear. If the language is unfamiliar to you, and you have no idea how to read “Heinrich”, just click on it and the word will sound a pleasant female voice.

    The caller cannot clearly dictate his email? Invite him to go to - even a "tight" interlocutor will understand such an address by ear. If there are a lot of calls, you can place the Dictate Spell widget on your website next to the contact phones and everything will be at hand for the caller.

    Unlike , which focuses on communicating with plankton mollusks, Dictate by Letter is better suited for serious people and international conversations.

    UPD:If you need to add an alphabet for any language - leave applications in the comments or on the site itself. Greek has already been added, Spanish, Swedish, Flemish, and a scattering of English alphabets are still being prepared. If necessary, we will find others.

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