MODX Revolution 2.2 RC1 released

    MODX Revolution 2.2 has every chance of becoming the biggest release that came out before. The developers spent a huge amount of time improving the administrative interface to make work a pleasure both in aesthetic and in terms of performance.

    This version is a candidate for release, so for now you should not expect a safe update on production sites without first thorough testing. If you want to upgrade, it is strongly recommended that you thoroughly test everything before this.

    Highlights of what's new in 2.2:

    • Static elements: you can store all elements (chunks, snippets, templates, etc.) in the file system, which makes it possible to edit them wherever you are (including Amazon S3 or Dropbox).

    • Custom panels: you can create your own welcome page, as well as add widgets to the toolbar.

    • Important interface enhancements, including a cleaner look and faster boot.

    • Install and update from the command line for real geeks.
    • Serious improvements to the admin panel, which gives developers opportunities for easier and deeper expansion.
    • Added the ability to create custom resource types, in particular based on goals such as blog posting, gallery, forum, events, etc.
    • A search has been added to the "Resources" tab so that you can quickly find the document you need by keywords. You no longer have to hunt long for your old publications.

    • The parser has been improved, more than 600 Unit tests have been added, kernel optimization has been done.
    • Solved more than 160 problems, fixed a bunch of errors.

    Please report any errors found.

    Download Revolution 2.2.0-rc1
    Read Documentation Revolution 2.2
    Read Installation and Update Instructions
    System Requirements

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