Podcast AppleInsider.ru [34]

    Hello readers Habrahabr!

    AppleInsider.ru: Thirty-fourth release.

    In this issue, we decided to conduct a small experiment, and invite our listeners as co-hosts. Write in the comments how you feel about such an initiative, if it takes place periodically. We would like to make this podcast as best as possible, and we look forward to your help!
    • Apple redesigns LED backlight for future iPad 3 with Retina Display
    • Insider information about working in the Euroset salon
    • What will happen to Research in Motion?
    • Apple released iOS 5.0.1 beta 2
    • Exploit in iOS 5
    • Hidden Panorama feature in iOS 5
    • The whole truth about where Siri recognizes voice
    • Mac user horror: Winamp
    • Bow
    If you want to become a guest of a podcast, write to us at info@appleinsider.ru

    Subscription: iTunes | RSS | MP3
    Listened to 535 times

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