Seventh hub meeting: Boston Mass Challenge report

    Thursday morning meetings continue, and tomorrow we will meet again. This time I invited a special guest to our gatherings - Vladimir Shcherbakov, startup and director of the project . Volodya returned from the United States last week, where he took part in the annual Mass Challenge startup competition as part of a delegation from the Moscow State University Science Park .

    The Mass Challenge is a global event for startups, held with the active support of the city of Boston and lasts 2 months. According to the results of the competition, 1 million dollars is distributed. Projects are very different and not necessarily IT (there is a list of projects). The city allocated an entire floor of a skyscraper for this business. Statistics are crazy. More than 500 jobs have been created, a lot of money has been attracted; many projects are starting to earn.

    For a long time I wanted to start inviting interesting people to us who could tell something really new, share some unique experience. The topic of tomorrow’s meeting, as you already understood, will be “Startups in the homeland of startups”. Internet entrepreneurs in America, how investors and projects find each other, the experience of presentations and how lawyers work and what it matters in the American Internet business, we’ll talk about all this tomorrow.

    KDPV: at the last meeting

    How to get to us : if you read this post, then consider that you are already invited. We meet at the Mart cafe on Petrovka 25. Beginning at 20 o’clock.As there are more and more guests at our meetings, and we no longer fit at the bar table, tomorrow we will be on sofas in the hall with arches. UPD I completely forgot: follow the hashtag announcements and twitter broadcast on the #habraparty hashtag .

    PS I am aware that many are waiting for a report on the last event - it was really interesting. Sorry for the slopock, but since I do not want to interfere with the reports with announcements, the story of the meeting will be later.

    Always yours,

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