Anonymous Mexico is trying to cancel the operation, the drug cartel began to hunt

    A few days before November 5, Mexican representatives of Anonymous announced the cancellation of the operation against the influential drug cartel Los Zetas . Recall that on November 5th, a group of hacktivists promised to publish photos and names of couriers, dealers and accomplices of the drug cartel (from police officers to taxi drivers) if they did not release Anonymous member abducted in Veracruz.

    Unfortunately, the events did not follow the scenario that the fighters for justice had hoped for. The drug cartel did not think of releasing the kidnapped youth. Worse, they set about hunting the rest of the hackers.

    US agency specializing in international intelligence Stratfor, reports: Evidence has been received that Los Zetas has stepped up its own team of computer experts who have begun to calculate the names of participants involved in Anonymous. It is clear that they took the threat very seriously. According to Stratfor experts, this definitely means a threat to the health and life of Anonymous activists, given the methods of action of the drug cartel in the past.

    The decision to cancel the operation was announced by two Mexican Anonymous activists - Skill3r and Glyniss Paroubek. “We don’t want to cause the deaths of participants,” they said on the pages of the Mexican newspaper Milenio. “We discussed the situation in detail and decided to stop the operation.” Anonymous Mexico Facebook page announcedthat Anonymous is not related to the already published information about accomplices of the drug cartel, in particular, to hacking the site of one of the Mexican politicians.

    At the same time, it is possible that the English-speaking participants of Anonymous outside of Mexico did not participate in this discussion and are not going to cancel plans for a war with the drug cartel.

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