Highly productive computing in Kiev October 12-14, 2011

    October 12-14, 2011 in Kiev will host the International Scientific Conference "High Performance Computing" (HPC-UA 2011).

    Attendance at meetings is free of charge.
    Pre- registration is required on the conference website .

    This is the largest professional event in Ukraine dedicated to:
    • creating, testing and administering supercomputers
    • programming highly productive computing systems, scalability of parallel algorithms and programs, heterogeneous computing using accelerators
    • GRID systems, Cloud systems and distributed computing
    • application of high performance computing in science and industry
    • security and information protection

    Those wishing to know the venue and a brief overview of the reports are welcome to cat.

    Time and place

    Kiev, NTUU "KPI", Victory Avenue 37, Building 1, Academic Council Meeting Room. Beginning at 10:00, October 12. Registration of participants from 8:30.

    Invited Papers

    Rainer Spurzem (National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China). Many Core Accelerated (GPU) Supercomputing in China and elsewhere - black holes and gravitational waves from galactic nuclei.

    Peter Berczik (National Astronomical Observatories of China, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China). High performance massively parallel direct N-body simulations on large GPU clusters.

    Vladimir Kindratenko (The National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois). Computational Accelerators in HPC.

    Alexey Oreshko (Google Inc., Dublin, Ireland). Distributed file systems in Google.

    HPC Day

    In parallel with the scientific conference, on October 13-14, HPC Day: Partnership of Science and Business will be held there.
    In the frame of this event, you will be able to visit the Nvidia Cuda HPC Workshop called "New Features of CUDA 4.0", where you will learn about:
    • CUDA programming model
    • Fermi Architecture Overview
    • The evolution of CUDA 3.0 - 3.1 - 3.2 - 4.0
    • GPU Direct 2.0
    • Unified Virtual Addressing
    • Thrust and CUSPARSE Libraries
    • C ++ Support, Fortran
    • NVIDIA Parallel Nsight heterogeneous application development tools

    Registration is also mandatory and free on the hpcday2011 website .

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