Deploying Spring Security in ZK + Spring Framework + Hibernate: Part One

    Good day to all. As promised, I will try to highlight the topic of security in a web application written in the ZK Framework . Why is part one? Because in this article I will show you the fastest and easiest method for implementing Spring Security using the jsp page as the authorization page; in the subsequent article (s), more complex and interesting methods will be described using zul as the construction of an authorization page.
    We won’t write a web application from scratch, but take as a basis my past application, which I described in this topic .
    What we need:
    This method can also be implemented in different ways, either by storing users, their passwords and rights in the Spring Security xml configuration, or storing in a database. Since our application already works with the Oracle database, so that users would not be stored in the database. As the spring documentation tells us, during a default deployment, Spring Security looks at the database for 2 tables (users and authorities). With group policy, the presence of such tables as: groups, group_authorities, group_members is required (table scripts can be taken from here ).

    So we create in the database 2 tables of the form:

    CREATE TABLE users
        username   varchar2 (50) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
        password   varchar2 (50) NOT NULL,
        enabled    number NOT NULL

    CREATE TABLE authorities
        username    varchar2 (50) NOT NULL,
        authority   varchar2 (50) NOT NULL,
        CONSTRAINT fk_authorities_users FOREIGN KEY
             REFERENCES users (username)
    CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_auth_username
        ON authorities (username, authority);

    The next step is to configure our Spring Security. In the spring-config.xml file, make the following changes
    				update -->

    I will dwell on some points:
    • secured-annotations="enabled" jsr250-annotations="enabled" />- gives us the opportunity to use annotations of the form @RolesAllowed ("ROLE_ADMIN") , for a group of rights, this string will look like @RolesAllowed ({"ROLE_ADMIN", "ROLE_USER"});
    • access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" /> - we say that everyone can go to the login.jsp page;
    • access="ROLE_ADMIN,ROLE_USER" /> - only users who have the rights ROLE_ADMIN and / or ROLE_USER can go to all pages
    • default-target-url="/index.zul" always-use-default-target="true"
      authentication-failure-url="/login.jsp?login_error=1" />
      - with the correct login / password, go to the index.zul page (of course, if the rights of this user allow it to be done), otherwise we display an error code.

    Also do not forget to add to web.xml:

    Everything is done with the configuration. Now we will write the login.jsp login page.
    <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8"
    <%@ taglib prefix='c' uri=''%>
    Форма Авторизации


    Не правильный логин или пароль. Попробуйте заново.

    You can run and look at our fruits.
    Let's play around with the differentiation of rights. For example, we allow only a user with ROLE_ADMIN privileges to delete users from the system. To do this, in the procedure ( PersonImpl ) before the procedure for deleting a user, we write the following: We also display the name of the logged in user. First, create Label components with id = "labelLogin", which will serve to display the username and Toolbarbutton, which will serve us as the user exit button. In the index.zul file before the line
    public boolean delete(Person pers)

    , добавим следующее:

    Ну и в классе PersonInfo внутри метода public void onCreate() реализуем возможность вывода имени пользователя:
    UserDetails userDetails = (UserDetails) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
    ((Label) this.getFellow("labelLogin")).setValue(userDetails.getUsername());

    В данном коде мы получаем все данные пользователя, которые содержатся в UserDetails и компонент Label с id = «labelLogin» из формы index.zul, в который мы передадим имя пользователя.
    Теперь, запустив наше приложении, по адресу
    мы увидим, что автоматом нас перенаправили на страницу login.jsp.

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