Overview of domestic FMC solutions or what is “convergence”

    First of all, an introductory word for those who do not know what is hidden behind these three letters. The rest - right under the cat.

    FMC (fixed-mobile convergence) - the combination of fixed and mobile communications within a single corporate network and one numbering plan.

    On Russian Wikipedia, unfortunately, the convergence of fixed and mobile communications falls out only in the context of Gars Telecom . However, the English material , it seems, has not been updated for a long time and has its own peculiarities related to the national telecom practice of the USA and European countries.

    According to the article, a typical FMC solution carries the following features to the subscriber:
    • Call forwarding from mobile to office
    • Single extension for fixed and mobile handset
    • Single voicemail
    • Simultaneous call of a mobile and stationary device, etc.
    Among the advantages:
    • “Single window” on all issues (a single support service for fixed and mobile communications, one invoice for services, etc.)
    • reduction of communication costs (corporate discounts, the ability to make "mobile" calls at fixed rates)
    • convenience in communication (relative - depending on the way the service is implemented, but more on that below)
    Some of the difficulties indicated in the article either do not relate to Russian realities (for example, as we know, the telephone set has no connection with the subscriber’s operator), or have already been resolved (so, according to the authors of the article, a “short” set of a mobile extension - bypassing the prefix - It is possible only if there is a special application on the smartphone. But below we will show that this is not necessary).

    The solution of MTS answers the fullest "Wikipedia" description of features.
    Feature of the set: urban and mobile extensions are the same, however, you need to type a prefix before the mobile.

    Of the advantages: the ability to simultaneously call to landline and mobile (which, however, is not convenient for everyone), plus the geography of service coverage.

    In conjunction with MTS, Orange implements the service, which makes it available to companies with a distributed network of offices - and to customers of both operators. Eyewitnesses also say that the company also provides this service to Beeline subscribers.

    Of the alarming factors - a touching introductory word in the description of the service on the Orange website: "The length of short (!) Numbers depends on the capacity of the corporate telephone network and can be ... up to 7 digits."

    Other operators in their research went further and proposed slightly different models for the provision of service.

    The peculiarity of the Beeline FMC dialing : city ​​and mobile extension are in no way interconnected (as well as “long” and “short” mobile numbers) you do not need to dial a prefix, but remember all the necessary numbers - beyond the limits of what is possible.

    Not so long ago, Beeline even specially released a video, which seems to explain the essence and advantages of the service to the end consumer. But in the end, he did a disservice to everyone who is trying to put FMC into practice, making a mess in the heads of subscribers

    The service is available in 64 cities where Beeline Business operates.

    Of the advantages of the Gars Telecom solution (the host operator is Megafon) there is a minimum of information to remember.

    Feature of the set: mobile extension differs from the city by one digit (usually the first). In some cases, mobile extension is equal to the last digits of a mobile number.

    How we implemented the service for ourselves: each employee was given a SIM card with a number of the type +7 926 ABC XXXX , mobile extension - XXXX , and city extension - YXXX .
    Who needs it - they set up an almost instant call forwarding from the city extension to the cellular one. Couriers and drivers - left only mobile.

    Given the latest trends in the consolidation of players, the market should expect new offers, predicts RBC daily .

    Our analysts are not so optimistic. It affects the conservatism of domestic corporations, and bureaucratic and organizational difficulties (after all, transferring the staff of a medium-sized company to a single operator is a rather painful process, in the SOHO segment the fixed connection is generally "dying out").

    A confirmation of this is the experience of Gars Telecom in implementing the solution since 2003:
    “As for converged services, fixed and mobile, they are there, they are developing. But again, they make up 5-10% of revenue, not more. And no matter what you do, it’s impossible to increase this revenue ”- Pavel Gorenkov, Telecoms World Russia & CIS 2010
    As well as the comments of an unknown twitter:
    " Beeline Business sold 0 FMC in a couple of years "
    And finally, useful - for those who are going to tune in FMC from Beeline and MTS - detailed instructions have already been posted on Habré. Gars Telecom subscribers will not need instructions - just contact a personal manager and our engineers will set everything up for themselves.

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