Introduction to MVVM and KnockoutJS (video)

    In my article on filtering lists on Knockout, I mentioned that I read a report on MVVM and KnockoutJS on .NET Saturday in Dnepropetrovsk.

    More recently, the video arrived and I hasten to share it. I want to make excuses in advance - at first I was chattering a little, but then I went into rhythm and it seemed like everything was worthy.

    The report itself is divided into 2 parts:
    1. a story about MVVM with a practical example of how this pattern can make life easier when developing a UI
    2. writing a simple application on Knockout in live mode. Everyone liked this part of the report more than the first, but in a few of my “blunts” I still blush :-)

    Watch the video of the report

    PS 1: slides can be downloaded here:
    PS 2: if suddenly someone needs the source code for the demo project - I'll post it. But at least they need to be combed

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