Experiments on people? Why not

    Imagine that you are looking for porn (here, even fantasy, I would say you do not have to). But porn is not easy, but special - zoo, gay, midgets, etc. And then bam! Instead of a pop-up with a porn, such a site pops up here:


    The implementation of such an idea is very simple. The site is riveting, registering on the traffic exchange and buying traffic by keywords (there are very few dwarf lovers, I thought there would be more). The question is whether such a site will cause horror in a person with a member in his hand. It's one thing to be gay in Los Angeles, it's another thing in Iran. This was to be verified. The site was made quickly and with love, because it was not money that was at stake, but the search for truth. In total, 7 thousand perverts ($ 25) were bought, they tried to buy in eastern countries, but because there are few, had to be content with America and Europe.

    What is the result? Statistics provided by GoogleAnalytics, I would have shown a sign, but the bounce rate almost everywhere ranges from 99 to 100, with rare exceptions, there’s nothing special to watch. Nevertheless, about a thousand people went to the target site that day, German gays were very active, stiff English did not bother to go to the advertised site, the Dutch were pleased with their average page viewing time of 22 seconds , while the rest took about 1 -3. The site was made in English and Russian, because there were doubts about the effectiveness of this advertising method and translating into 10 other languages ​​was too lazy.

    Paid off? Nope. But watching this was very interesting. It remained unclear whether the people didn’t care whether they were notified at the wrong time. From the personal experience of a friend of one friend - the second.

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