PaymentGate - a payment solution from Paysto that allows you to fully automate payments to any number of recipients

    PaymentGate - a payment gateway that allows you to automate the sending of transfers by sending a command to make a payment from the owner’s remote system to PAYSTO. Integration is carried out only through a special secure interface.

    The product presentation can be viewed at PaymentGate

    service provides the possibility of direct integration with the client’s system, as well as new functionality with which customers can download the list of recipients directly in the Paysto user’s account.

    The principle of operation is as follows: The client, having previously registered, connects to the system using a special interface for sending transfer requests or (new) downloads the list of recipients with the indication of the means of payment.

    Direct integration allows you to remotely submit applications in any quantity and control the status of any transfer at any time - this is a complete automation of the payment process, which can be used in various systems for payments to agents, employees, etc.
    Further, the client replenishes the balance in his account of the user Paysto, from which funds for outgoing transfers will be debited.

    Outgoing transfers can be carried out in Webmoney, Yandex.Money, RBC.Money, MoneyMail, bank transfers to the accounts of legal entities, as well as to accounts and cards of individuals, PaymentGate has been operating since December 2010. An example of direct integration is and

    More about PaymentGate service at

    Please inform us of all comments and suggestions that you will have - we will try to respond as quickly as possible.

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