120-line Perl drum machine

    Let's try to write a simple drum machine on a pearl using MIDI and Tkx as a graphic toolkit.


    Key features
    1. 47 tools, 4 can be used simultaneously.
    2. Keyboard control.
    3. Volume control.
    4. BPM regulator from 60 to 600 beats per minute.

    In general, the idea of ​​the program was born by accident, at the moment when I came across an article about General MIDI. So, this specification provides a special channel at number 10 for percussion instruments.

    The required note numbers can be found on this page .

    We will need modules: Win32API :: MIDI and Tkx. The latter will already be installed if you use ActivePerl.

    Let's move on to programming
    #! / usr / bin / perl
    use strict;
    use Tkx;
    use Win32API :: MIDI;

    Determine the hash, pair: instrument name => note number
    my% drums = (
            'Bass Drum 2' => 35,
            'Bass Drum 1' => 36,
            'Side Stick' => 37,
            'Snare Drum 1' => 38,
            'Hand Clap' => 39,
            'Snare Drum 2' => 40,
            'Low Tom 2' => 41,
            'Closed Hi-hat' => 42,
            'Low Tom 1' => 43,
            'Pedal Hi-hat' => 44,
            'Mid Tom 2' => 45,
            'Open Hi-hat' => 46,
            'Mid Tom 1' => 47,
            'High Tom 2' => 48,
            'Crash Cymbal 1' => 49,
            'High Tom 1' => 50,
            'Ride Cymbal 1' => 51,
            'Chinese Cymbal' => 52,
            'Ride Bell' => 53,
            'Tambourine' => 54,
            'Splash Cymbal' => 55,
            'Cowbell' => 56,
            'Crash Cymbal 2' => 57,
            'Vibra Slap' => 58,
            'Ride Cymbal 2' => 59,
            'High Bongo' => 60,
            'Low Bongo' => 61,
            'Mute High Conga' => 62,
            'Open High Conga' => 63,
            'Low Conga' => 64,
            'High Timbale' => 65,
            'Low Timbale' => 66,
            'High Agogo' => 67,
            'Low Agogo' => 68,
            'Cabasa' => 69,
            'Maracas' => 70,
            'Short Whistle' => 71,
            'Long Whistle' => 72,
            'Short Guiro' => 73,
            'Long Guiro' => 74,
            'Claves' => 75,
            'High Wood Block' => 76,
            'Low Wood Block' => 77,
            'Mute Cuica' => 78,
            'Open Cuica' => 79,
            'Mute Triangle' => 80,
            'Open Triangle' => 81,

    We set the default values ​​and the rhythmic pattern, as in the screenshot
    my $ bpm = 300;
    my $ bit = 0;
    my $ bits = [[0, 1, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1, 0], [1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 1, 0]];
    my @volume = (127, 127, 127, 127);
    my @drumset = ('Bass Drum 2', 'Bass Drum 1', 'Snare Drum 1', 'Snare Drum 2');
    my @kb_keys = (qw (QWERASDFUIOPHJKL));

    Create a Win32API :: MIDI Object
    my $ mo = new Win32API :: MIDI :: Out () or die "Cannot create MIDI output";

    Create a widget for the program window, set the title, and disable the ability to resize
    my $ mw = Tkx :: widget-> new ('.');
       $ mw-> g_wm_title ('Drum Machine in Perl');  
       $ mw-> g_wm_resizable (0, 0);
    my @pad = (-padx => 4, -pady => 4, -sticky => 'nsew');

    We draw the interface, bindim hotkeys
    for my $ i (0..3) {
            my $ combo = $ mw-> new_ttk__combobox (
                    -textvariable => \ $ drumset [$ i],
                    -state => 'readonly',
                    -values ​​=> [sort {$ drums {$ a} <=> $ drums {$ b}} keys% drums],
            my $ scale = $ mw-> new_ttk__scale (
                    -variable => \ $ volume [$ i],
                    -from => 0,
                    -to => 127,
                    -length => 50,
            $ combo-> g_grid (-row => $ i, -column => 0, @pad);
            $ scale-> g_grid (-row => $ i, -column => 1, @pad);
            for my $ j (0..3) {
                    my $ k = $ kb_keys [4 * $ i + $ j];
                    my $ c = $ mw-> new_ttk__checkbutton (
                            -variable => \ $ bits -> [$ i] -> [$ j],
                            -style => 'Toolbutton',
                            -text => "$ k",
                    Tkx :: bind (all => $ _ => sub {$ c-> invoke ()}) for (lc ($ k), uc ($ k));
                    Tkx :: grid ($ c, -row => $ i, -column => $ j + 2, @pad);
    my $ bpm_label = $ mw-> new_ttk__label (-text => "$ bpm BPM");
    my $ bpm_scale = $ mw-> new_ttk__scale (
            -variable => \ $ bpm,
            -from => 60,
            -to => 600,
            -command => sub {$ bpm_label-> m_configure (-text => int ($ bpm). 'BPM')},
    $ bpm_label-> g_grid (-row => 4, -column => 0);
    $ bpm_scale-> g_grid (-row => 5, -column => 0);

    The main loop, we send a short message to the sequencer, we calculate depending on the BPM, the interval through which we call druploop ().

    sub drumloop {
            my $ b = $ bit ++% 4;
            for (0..3) {
                    if ($ bits -> [$ _] -> [$ b]) {
                            $ mo-> ShortMsg ((0x00000090 | 9) | ($ drums {$ drumset [$ _]} << 8) | ($ volume [$ _] << 16));
            Tkx :: after (int (60000 / $ bpm) => \ & drumloop);
    Tkx :: after (1000 => \ & drumloop);
    Tkx :: MainLoop;

    That's all. I built a build for Windows.

    Build source code
    for Windows (also works under Wine)

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