About the harm of silence

    Comrades, I want to raise a topic that has been exciting me for a very long time. Maybe for some it will seem too harsh, and for someone too immodest, but nonetheless.

    Personally, I, as a leader, bring a lot of inconvenience to people who are dissatisfied with something, but sit silently and wait. They silently wait until they are raised their salaries. Silently doing uninteresting work in the hope that someday I will notice it and make happy a new project. They silently freeze under the air conditioner and leave for the sick-leave, without asking to turn it off.

    People sit silent and silently take offense. And then, when the limit of expectation is reached, they, instead of coming to me and telling about the problem, also silently go to a neighboring company for an interview.

    Further the text is a bit in the "black" style of the Glory of Pankratov ( case), but it is now fashionable. I hope that you will not be embarrassed by the appeal to “you,” since it better conveys the emotional component and meaning of the article.

    Head monologue

    You are sitting silent and resentful of something.

    I always want to say: “what a kindergarten!” Am I a telepath? Yes, you just do not have the right to be offended until you tell me what your problem is! Why be silent in the corner.

    If you have a problem, I’m always ready to solve it. Be sure if it is not resolved, or I, for some reason, am not ready to solve it now - I will tell you about it myself. But, one way or another, I will think how to help you.

    If you have a need, express it. Otherwise, no one will ever know about her.

    You have a slow computer and you compile the code two hours a day? Why are you silent and staying overtime, simultaneously accumulating resentment from this? Yes, your two hours a day are more expensive than a separate build server! Tell me, and I will solve your problem and either find you a new computer or ask you to wait until the financing comes. But I will be in the know. And I will work on it.

    You have been with us for three years, and during that time you have grown to become a serious programmer, but you still have not raised your salary? Yes, I agree, I overlooked. In fact, the manager must control such things himself. But why get up and leave for another company just because they have a 10% higher salary? Just tell me about it. Do you think I want my one of the best programmers to be constantly under stress, and then dumped in freelance? I am almost sure that we will agree, and you will receive a promotion. And you will be happy. And, imagine, I will be happy too. Because (that's amazing!) I like it when my programmers are happy. Yes, and you, happy, will work better - a proven fact.

    Yesterday you wrote a letter proposing to improve the performance of the component, but I still did not answer? Let's be honest: twenty people wrote me yesterday, not counting spammers. Yes, maybe I just forgot about your wonderful offer. Come and ask. If I do not yet consider it relevant, I’ll tell you directly. Or maybe I’ll finally dig it from the bottom of the mailbox, read it and say: “Cool, man! Here is a bonus for you. ”

    Do you think that you’ll write accounting forms all your life, and you want to write highly loaded systems? Do you think that we have never done this, are not doing it and will not do it? And do not even ask? Imagine, I’ve knocked down in search of a person to whom I could entrust this task.

    Even if we don’t need highly loaded systems, I’ll tell you directly. You will know for sure that you probably need to change jobs. And I, in general, will be ready for this. Or maybe I’ll think, “But should I try?”. Why not?

    Have you been fixing bugs in someone else’s code for three months now? It bothered you, but you are silent and already send out the resume? Have you ever tried to tell me about this? And then I look at you and wonder: “how do you like digging around with these elusive glitches - the other would have been indignant for a long time, and you all work. So - like it. ”

    There are a million such examples. More than sure that in the life of anyone who is reading this article, they are enough.


    If you want your problem to be resolved, say so. Just sitting silently waiting is the most unconstructive solution.

    Just say it. Yes. This is hard. This is very difficult because makes you step over your passivity and fears that you will be misunderstood. I assure you that if you remain silent, they will understand you even less correctly. If they understand at all.

    And do not forget the old wisdom: communication is the key to mutual understanding!

    PS I am aware that most of these problems a normal leader must track independently. I just urge you to make life easier for yourself and him.

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