MobTop - mobile site traffic analysis tool

why we decided to create - a rating of mobile sites and at the same time a system for analyzing their traffic.
I would very much like to know the opinion of the respected habrasociety about our project.
While in beta, please do not judge strictly.
I will not paint for a long time, I will list only the main features.
We are currently extracting the following information:
1. Total attendance by days and hours (visitors, views)
2. Mobile operators by country and region.
3. Mobile devices:
- manufacturer, model
- screen resolution
- browser
- operating system
- cookies support
- ... what else needs to be added?
4. + a lot of small convenient buns.
A couple of screenshots:
Operators by country


It is also important to note that the Mobtop rating itself (or rather its mobile version of serves as a good means of exchanging traffic between sites. Mobile users are often not very sophisticated on the Internet. For many, the phone is the first and only way to access the network. Therefore, they are happy to explore new sites.
We hope that our project will be useful for all web developers and managers. Still, universal mobility is now one of the main global trends.
We would be grateful for any feedback, comments and suggestions. We are very interested in the development of the project.
Registration is still limited, but the Khabrovites will be happy to send invites.
I would also like to ask the habrasociety:
What kind of tools for analyzing traffic to mobile sites do you use?
Does everything suit you in existing systems? Perhaps something is missing for you personally?