Business Informatics

    Hello, dear habrasociety!
    In fact, with my article, I want to decide in the process of discussion, to some extent, the future of our youth, and more specifically, the author of this article claims to be a teacher of computer science and programming at n-th university. Everything would be quite simple, but the specificity of teaching makes us look at this problem from a different perspective. Namely, the problem is that the faculty to be taught is economic, with a specialization in Business Informatics. Since there is no such specialty in St. Petersburg, the program as such does not exist either.
    Thus, your humble servant has a task: to draw up a teaching plan for 8 lectures, respectively 16 teaching hours, during which a person without desire (most of the students) received at least some residual knowledge and concepts on the topic of programming.

    Communicating with the leadership of my university, they made it clear to me that loading “unhappy kids” with deep programming knowledge is completely unnecessary. And what was required was not told to me. From this, I concluded that the teaching program should be based on the fact that most students are afraid of computer mice, like living, system units, like atomic reactors, and the process of writing programs, in their thinking, comes down to a black screen, and jumping in it incomprehensible characters (a scene from the matrix comes to mind).
    To begin with, it seems to me that it is worthwhile to let them know that programming surrounds them everywhere, starting from alarms and metro cards, with which many of them start the morning, ending with mobile phones. It is also worth pointing out that programming is carried out not only on computers, but also in the person’s head (perhaps it is worth making a lyrical digression to the heat of NLP). After students realize that programming is not the privilege of bearded men in stretched sweaters, it is worth introducing the concept of pseudocode and explaining the basics of building programs to them: following, branching, repeating. After that, you can safely give them tasks to build an algorithm for any action based on recognized facts.
    Further down the list, one can introduce the concept of programming languages, which are a formal system of characters, for recording programs. Immediately, the concept of syntax and semantics of the language does not hurt. In my opinion, the same pair will quite harmoniously include the definition of variables, what types they are, what actions can be performed with them. You should start with the simplest variables, and gradually move on to structures and objects, and then define the concept of functions and properties.
    Based on the knowledge gained earlier, you can begin to talk about software as such. His classification, perhaps architecture.
    At this point in the development of the program, I was a little stalled, as further development involves evasion in one direction or another. And the “unfortunate kids" do not need it at all. And before me there is a task, either to develop all of the above more deeply and powerfully, or to score on the requirements of the dean’s office and independently determine the direction of development.
    Here, it would be interesting for me to hear the opinion of the habrasociety, which should not be indifferent to the future of our children). In your opinion, what knowledge should a second-year undergraduate student with a specialization in business informatics have in order for you to hire him as an apprentice and continue his studies on the basis of the existing basis?

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