Good good reference
Friends! Tonight, 3 users were blocked on Habr, who believed that the word "good" is written through A, and not through O.
As you can see, they were blocked for dislike of Russian lessons at school. Upon a polite request to express themselves in Russian, they blamed on democracy and something else - on their part, this was a monstrous mistake.
Please do not blame those who wish to follow the brave souls in the future if you are asked to write in Russian on this site, if you are politely asked to write in Russian on this site, if you are again politely asked to write in Russian on this site - please write in Russian. No need to use the slang of scum and beat yourself in the chest, even if it's not slang - it still will not help.
As you can see, they were blocked for dislike of Russian lessons at school. Upon a polite request to express themselves in Russian, they blamed on democracy and something else - on their part, this was a monstrous mistake.
Please do not blame those who wish to follow the brave souls in the future if you are asked to write in Russian on this site, if you are politely asked to write in Russian on this site, if you are again politely asked to write in Russian on this site - please write in Russian. No need to use the slang of scum and beat yourself in the chest, even if it's not slang - it still will not help.