The more we write about our events, the more we hear - and where is the result?

At the February Harvest in the Microsoft office, ePythia and Soskidka, familiar to many, received a ticket to life.
ePythia started with a bare idea and overgrown with a team for two events. In October, they received investments, and now they are preparing to start the beta test of the Android client for their virtual digital assistant. They also won the next Harvest, traveled to Cambridge, went to the finals of the international start-up contest from DFJ and Cisco, and also became residents of the InCube ANH Business Incubator .
Soskidkafrom March to September, they successfully conducted the first stage of open beta testing, and now they are launching a paid version of the “non-advertising” marketing tool for social media.
With my own money, two more projects are being developed from the 1st Harvest. This is a print service at the request of Prondo.ru and a group discount service CityRadar. They started this summer.
Prondo has been working hard on his project for several months since the author of the idea found a programmer on Harvest, and they made the first drafts. Slowly overgrown with a team, connections. The project with its idea hit the nail on the head; now such services are relevant. So far they have reached operating profit and continue to develop.
With CityRadareverything was more complicated. This is such a case when they harnessed for a long time, but went quickly. When in the spring collective discount services began to grow by leaps and bounds, Eugene and her project could not get off the ground - there was no money and programmers. In April, it was found through the Harvest website by people who rallied in a team, invested their money, and found developers. What did they hope for, starting with their project closer to August?
Apparently, on a thoroughly worked out concept: a lot of good discounts and content for them, the ability to renew promotions, hold corporate banquets with discounts and something else - you can find out more about everything on their website. While CityRadar is actively developing, delighting with new high-quality offers and the fact that they quickly went to other cities.
April Harvest in MFPA turned out to be more chamber. But he “gave the world” Wannafuck, an online dating service that started in early 2011 . His ideologist Rustem Bogdanov came to us with a lot of developments (before that, the service had been in his head for two years) and with a clear goal - to get expert advice. Rustem got what he wanted - he thought out the design of the interfaces, polished the concept and checked the marketing plans.
And then he began work on a project that continued throughout the sultry summer of 2010. One of the founders of Harvest, Renat Garipov, advised the creation of the financial and economic model. And in the fall, Wannafuck attracted investors, raised a seed-round ($ 150,000) and received a comment on $ 2.2 million for further investments. Now the service is actively developed and open.pre-registration for those who want to test it before the rest.
The October Harvest, held for the first time on the basis of the ANH, became a real sensation - about 300 guests and participants, over 60 submitted ideas and projects. About twenty projects worked, argued, changed business models. For two days, with the support of experts, they actively put these ideas into practice.
It is too early to take stock of it. But, nevertheless ... Right after the tournament Darru.ru and SportFort.ru started up , but we have the right to expect a good start from many more projects: SmartInsurance, 4JO.IN, Potok-FM and others.
So, it's time for the fourth Harvest. The atmosphere of a “working weekend”, valuable contacts, the opportunity to work for hours on a startup together with diverse experts - you can try to apply all this to your idea or project.
Registration is open until Friday evening. We are waiting for people who are interested in working in a startup - authors of ideas, developers, marketers, pr-payers, financiers and many others. Come do successful projects!